The bicycle racer of a Russian team was brought down by the motorcycle
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To the Portuguese bicycle racer of a Russian team of Tinkoff-Saxo Serzhiu Paulinyyu imposed 17 seams after it was brought down by the motorcycle at the 11th stage of a cycle multi-day race of "Vuelt" which passes on roads of Spain. Recovery of the athlete, traumatized feet, will take at least ten days.

Incident happened on the first lifting of a "royal" mountain stage. According to eyewitnesses, the motorcyclist did not make any obvious movement to avoid accident . As a result of collision of Paulinyyu got deep wound on a foot and as a result finished performance in race. The racer sent to hospital in Andorra where doctors imposed to him six internal and eleven external seams. The last were necessary to block an affected artery.

As the official site of a Russian team, reports to p recovery of the Portuguese will take at least ten days then it will pass repeated inspection. By results of primary survey at Paulinyyu it was not revealed changes.

we Will note p that earlier for the similar reason other bicycle racer of Tinkoff-Saxo – Peter Sagan suffered. At the eighth stage of a supermulti-day race Sagan's bicycle touched the motorcycle. It fell to speed over 50 km/h and got some bruises, but managed to finish, though with considerable lag from rivals. Later it was declared that Sagan will not be able to continue race because of traumatized.

Zhoze Paulo Bezerra Masiel Zhunior
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (OSFR PO OF THE KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY)
Sagan Peter