To the president of Guatemala forbade to leave the country

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The court of Guatemala on request of prosecutor's office forbade the president Otto Perez Moline to leave the country, transfers Business Insider .

Earlier agency Reuters reported that the Congress of Guatemala decided to deprive of the president of the country of judicial immunity because of corruption scandal. Such decision gives the chance to the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Guatemala and the international commission on fight against the lawlessness, the sponsored UN, to bring charges of participation in the corruption scheme which was found in the customs sphere against the president.

Otto Perez Moline repeatedly denied the fault and declared absence of plans for resignation.

In August the Supreme Court of Guatemala unanimously approved request of prosecutor's office of the country for impeachment of the president because of his participation in corruption crimes. Then Kogressa should be defined, whether there are bases for a response of immunity of the head of state from prosecution.