Huge lamps were lit on streets of Japan in honor of the harvesting beginning

@Gazeta "Metro"
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Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/> Photo: AFP '/>

passed processions On streets of the Japanese island of Honshu with multi-colored lamps. The huge fancifully painted lamps were placed and at special stands. This colourful orgy marked the beginning of the Aomori festival of Nebut.

This festival traditionally takes place p in August and precedes harvesting. Japanese like to participate in celebrations concerning this holiday as streets change lo unrecognizability and turn into violence of paints.

Besides, in many institutions musical vecheinka are arranged. At this time to Japan the huge number of tourists who are eager is flown down to see unusually the phenomenon. On scales this holiday, perhaps, can be compared to the Brazilian carnival.