Movies accidents — in vanguard of movement against sexist age discrimination
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Exceptional case: in "the Break San Andreas" the main characters — one age. But sexist discrimination in Hollywood for the present anywhere did not get to. In "Future sides" 51-year-old Thomas Cruise Meypoter IV falls in love with 31-year-old Emily Olivia Lia Blunt, in "Magic of a moonlight" — the novel 53-year-old Colin Andrew Fert with 25-year-old Emily Jean Stone, and 47-year-old Jonathan Favro in "The cook on wheels" prepared paste for 29-year-old Scarlett Johansson.
Benjamin Geza Afflek-Boldt (Ben Afflek)
Last position: Actor, screenwriter, film director, producer
Bradley Charles Cooper
Last position: Actor
Emily Jean Stone (Emma Stone)
Last position: Actress
Thomas Cruise Meypoter IV (Tom Cruise)
Last position: Actor, film director, producer, screenwriter