Nicholas Mikhaylovich Kharitonov Last position: Deputy, Chairman (State Duma Committee on the North and Far East Affairs)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowThe key to development of economy of Russia lies in Far East and Arctic regions. Our task - to create legislative base for full-fledged life and work of people in the Far East and in the Arctic, and we carry out itThe key to development of economy of Russia lies in Far East and Arctic regions. Our task - to create legislative base for full-fledged life and work of people in the Far East and in the Arctic, and we carry out it11/22/2023MinvostokrazvitiyaConversations goes much, everything is weighed, therefore who as as — at congress, I think, everything will accurately be defined12/13/2023To Kommersantj.RI knew it from 90th years. It does not suffice today in the Duma. I do not have personally as friend, the companion. We rustled much and argued, but we are not different politicians, we have one party — RussiaI knew it from 90th years. It does not suffice today in the Duma. I do not have personally as friend, the companion. We rustled much and argued, but we are not different politicians, we have one party — Russia12/12/2023Parliamentary newspaperThe key to development of economy of Russia lies in Far East and Arctic regions. Our task - to create legislative base for full-fledged life and work of people in the Far East and in the Arctic, and we carry out itThe key to development of economy of Russia lies in Far East and Arctic regions. Our task - to create legislative base for full-fledged life and work of people in the Far East and in the Arctic, and we carry out it11/22/2023MinvostokrazvitiyaConversations goes much, everything is weighed, therefore who as as — at congress, I think, everything will accurately be defined12/13/2023To Kommersantj.RI knew it from 90th years. It does not suffice today in the Duma. I do not have personally as friend, the companion. We rustled much and argued, but we are not different politicians, we have one party — RussiaI knew it from 90th years. It does not suffice today in the Duma. I do not have personally as friend, the companion. We rustled much and argued, but we are not different politicians, we have one party — Russia12/12/2023Parliamentary newspaperThe key to development of economy of Russia lies in Far East and Arctic regions. Our task - to create legislative base for full-fledged life and work of people in the Far East and in the Arctic, and we carry out itThe key to development of economy of Russia lies in Far East and Arctic regions. Our task - to create legislative base for full-fledged life and work of people in the Far East and in the Arctic, and we carry out it11/22/2023Minvostokrazvitiya12323Related events+6 last weekDeputy, ChairmanState Duma Committee on the North and Far East AffairsMedia Score: LowDeputy, ChairmanState Duma Committee on the North and Far East Affairs75years oldBornOctober 30, 1948RezinoRelationship status: He is married217Connections+71 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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LawВ ГД рассмотрят расширение программы «арктического гектара» на новые территории9/4/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia50 secSocial policyБесплатные гектары могут начать давать в Уральском федеральном округеParliamentary newspaper9/3/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia54 secLawВ Минвостокразвития разрабатывают законопроект о деятельности в районах вечной мерзлотыParliamentary newspaper9/3/2024PeopleCompaniesMedia1.1 minPoliticsПартийцы недорабатывают в интернетеTo Kommersantj.R9/2/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts3.7 minPoliticsВстать перед выборами: как партии готовятся к 6-8 сентябряdaily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"8/30/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts7.9 minPoliticsКеннеди-младший: демократы используют методы, за которые они критикуют РФTASS8/24/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1 min