+1AnalystJournalistEldar Murtazin Last position: Leading analyst (LLC "Mobile Research Group")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreThere it keeps normal temperature and can quietly keep an initial charge of 30 minutes till one o'clockThere it keeps normal temperature and can quietly keep an initial charge of 30 minutes till one o'clock12/1/2023Moskovsky Komsomolets - St. PetersburgIt is better to consider after all other brands (original production of little-known brands. — RT) because then you buy the normal device which producers are responsible for it, and it not a fake12/5/2023RT in RussianBy no means it is impossible to forget the smartphone in the car. Cold and wet rooms are also unsuitable for the smartphone. It is better to store phone in a bag or in an inside pocket, in a place where it does not freeze throughBy no means it is impossible to forget the smartphone in the car. Cold and wet rooms are also unsuitable for the smartphone. It is better to store phone in a bag or in an inside pocket, in a place where it does not freeze through12/1/2023Agency business of newsThere it keeps normal temperature and can quietly keep an initial charge of 30 minutes till one o'clockThere it keeps normal temperature and can quietly keep an initial charge of 30 minutes till one o'clock12/1/2023Moskovsky Komsomolets - St. PetersburgIt is better to consider after all other brands (original production of little-known brands. — RT) because then you buy the normal device which producers are responsible for it, and it not a fake12/5/2023RT in RussianBy no means it is impossible to forget the smartphone in the car. Cold and wet rooms are also unsuitable for the smartphone. It is better to store phone in a bag or in an inside pocket, in a place where it does not freeze throughBy no means it is impossible to forget the smartphone in the car. Cold and wet rooms are also unsuitable for the smartphone. It is better to store phone in a bag or in an inside pocket, in a place where it does not freeze through12/1/2023Agency business of newsThere it keeps normal temperature and can quietly keep an initial charge of 30 minutes till one o'clockThere it keeps normal temperature and can quietly keep an initial charge of 30 minutes till one o'clock12/1/2023Moskovsky Komsomolets - St. Petersburg123133Related events+16 last weekLeading analystLLC "Mobile Research Group"0Media ScoreLeading analystLLC "Mobile Research Group"48years oldBornDecember 1, 1975MoscowRelationship status: He is married277Connections+97 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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