Vera Dementyeva Last position: Director of the State memorial estate "Pavlovsk"Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowWith Pavlovsk it is connected outright and directly. Business all that her spouse, to the grand duke Mikhail Pavlovich, and her, this palace and all estate, all palace and park complex belonged 20 yearsWith Pavlovsk it is connected outright and directly. Business all that her spouse, to the grand duke Mikhail Pavlovich, and her, this palace and all estate, all palace and park complex belonged 20 years12/5/2023TOPSPB.TVThis year we met surprising results. Today we noted 1 million 903 thousand visits. Such quantity not was in dokovidny times, frankly speaking, for us such attendance is surprising12/12/2023Interfax TourismWith Pavlovsk it is connected outright and directly. Business all that her spouse, to the grand duke Mikhail Pavlovich, and her, this palace and all estate, all palace and park complex belonged 20 yearsWith Pavlovsk it is connected outright and directly. Business all that her spouse, to the grand duke Mikhail Pavlovich, and her, this palace and all estate, all palace and park complex belonged 20 years12/5/2023TOPSPB.TVThis year we met surprising results. Today we noted 1 million 903 thousand visits. Such quantity not was in dokovidny times, frankly speaking, for us such attendance is surprising12/12/2023Interfax TourismWith Pavlovsk it is connected outright and directly. Business all that her spouse, to the grand duke Mikhail Pavlovich, and her, this palace and all estate, all palace and park complex belonged 20 yearsWith Pavlovsk it is connected outright and directly. Business all that her spouse, to the grand duke Mikhail Pavlovich, and her, this palace and all estate, all palace and park complex belonged 20 years12/5/2023TOPSPB.TV120Related events+0 last weekMedia Score: Low74years oldBornMarch 19, 1950LvivRelationship status: no dataConnectionsno dataNewsConnections Tree
Other«Павловск» отчитался первым. Осень для музеев-заповедников — время подводить итоги сезонаSt. Petersburg sheets10/14/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia2 minMusicРозы и паровозы. В Павловске состоялся фестиваль «Императорский букет»St. Petersburg sheets7/22/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia3.7 minMusicВ ГМЗ «Павловск» привезут 16-метровую копию паровоза «Проворный» и сыграют музыку ШтраусаPetersburg diary7/20/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia2.3 minExhibitionsОАО «РЖД» представляет проект воссоздания Музыкального вокзала на фестивале в ПавловскеRUSSIAN RAILWAY JOINT STOCK COMPANY7/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.8 minOtherМузей-заповедник «Павловск» обнародовал реставрационные планыSt. Petersburg sheets6/18/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia3.8 minOtherВ Павловске воссоздадут парковый павильон «Старое Шале»6/17/2024PeopleGeography57 sec
Central Federal DistrictВ музее-заповеднике «Павловск» началась масштабная реставрацияRBC St. Petersburg6/17/2024PeopleCompaniesMedia46 secExhibitionsВ «Павловске» начали реставрировать павильоныPetersburg diary6/13/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia33 secExhibitionsВ музее-заповеднике "Павловск" приступили к реставрации павильоновnews online TV ""6/13/2024PeopleCompaniesMedia23 secNorthwestern Federal DistrictПрезидент СПб ТПП принял участие в церемонии награждения лауреатов премии «Влиятельные женщины Петербурга — 2024»3/6/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia36 secPoliticsНеформальная встреча лидеров стран СНГTo Kommersantj.R12/26/2023PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia2.3 minNorthwestern Federal DistrictМузей «Павловск» в Петербурге принял около 2 млн человек с начала годаdaily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"12/13/2023People43 sec
Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today4RobotizationRating: 53-3Mention frequency53-3ConnectionsOrganizations582Places275People235Events108Technologies80Laws2
ExhibitionsВ музее-заповеднике "Павловск" рассказывают о жизни великой княгини Елена ПавловныSmotrim12/7/2023PeopleGeography1.5 minNorthwestern Federal DistrictВыставка о великой княгине Елене Павловне открылась в библиотеке Павловского дворцаTOPSPB.TV12/5/2023PeopleGeographyMedia59 secOtherСформирован Совет по реализации проекта воссоздания Музыкального вокзала в ПавловскеRUSSIAN RAILWAY JOINT STOCK COMPANY11/10/2023PeopleCompaniesGeography57 secCentral Federal DistrictГМЗ «Павловск» посетили более 1,7 миллиона человек с начала годаPetersburg diary9/21/2023PeopleCompaniesMedia33 secSocial policyС начала 2023 года ГМЗ "Павловск" посетили 1,7 млн туристовnews online TV ""9/21/2023PeopleGeography30 secOtherСадоводство по‑царски. В музее-заповеднике «Павловск» состоялся праздник «Осенняя пастораль»St. Petersburg sheets8/29/2023PeopleGeography3.1 min