Andrey Belyaninov Last position: Secretary general (ASSAMBLEYA NARODOV YEVRAZII)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowWe need to provide the most comfortable passing of freights along a corridor. It is precisely international task. Also on the agenda the subject of development of universal payment system is particularly acute at realization and project financing "the North-YuggWe need to provide the most comfortable passing of freights along a corridor. It is precisely international task. Also on the agenda the subject of development of universal payment system is particularly acute at realization and project financing "the North-Yugg11/20/2023Интернет-портал СНГReally there is a world repartition, there is a change of economic streams. We see that the logistics changes towards the East, towards Asia, South East Asia, it is obvious. There the largest players, and all events will occur in this region11/21/2023RBC Krasnodar KraiWe need to provide the most comfortable passing of freights along a corridor. It is precisely international task. Also on the agenda the subject of development of universal payment system is particularly acute at realization and project financing "the North-YuggWe need to provide the most comfortable passing of freights along a corridor. It is precisely international task. Also on the agenda the subject of development of universal payment system is particularly acute at realization and project financing "the North-Yugg11/20/2023Интернет-портал СНГReally there is a world repartition, there is a change of economic streams. We see that the logistics changes towards the East, towards Asia, South East Asia, it is obvious. There the largest players, and all events will occur in this region11/21/2023RBC Krasnodar KraiWe need to provide the most comfortable passing of freights along a corridor. It is precisely international task. Also on the agenda the subject of development of universal payment system is particularly acute at realization and project financing "the North-YuggWe need to provide the most comfortable passing of freights along a corridor. It is precisely international task. Also on the agenda the subject of development of universal payment system is particularly acute at realization and project financing "the North-Yugg11/20/2023Интернет-портал СНГ123Related events+2 last weekSecretary generalASSAMBLEYA NARODOV YEVRAZIIMedia Score: LowSecretary generalASSAMBLEYA NARODOV YEVRAZII67years oldBornJuly 14, 1957MoscowRelationship status: He is married24Connections+12 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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