Роман Михайлович Евстратов Last position: (Administrative board of a city of the Kaluga city)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowFirst of all it is necessary to pay attention to change of the sizes and a form of birthmarks, emergence of asymmetry, change of color and bleeding at contactFirst of all it is necessary to pay attention to change of the sizes and a form of birthmarks, emergence of asymmetry, change of color and bleeding at contact12/4/2023FederalpressA melanoma — though rare, but very dangerous illness: it promptly develops, has high level of a metastazirovaniye and mortality. To reduce risk of development of a melanoma, it is necessary to protect skin from solar influence12/5/2023L! FEUltra-violet beams can damage DNA of cells of skin and provoke development of malignant changesUltra-violet beams can damage DNA of cells of skin and provoke development of malignant changes12/4/2023MedikForumFirst of all it is necessary to pay attention to change of the sizes and a form of birthmarks, emergence of asymmetry, change of color and bleeding at contactFirst of all it is necessary to pay attention to change of the sizes and a form of birthmarks, emergence of asymmetry, change of color and bleeding at contact12/4/2023FederalpressA melanoma — though rare, but very dangerous illness: it promptly develops, has high level of a metastazirovaniye and mortality. To reduce risk of development of a melanoma, it is necessary to protect skin from solar influence12/5/2023L! FEUltra-violet beams can damage DNA of cells of skin and provoke development of malignant changesUltra-violet beams can damage DNA of cells of skin and provoke development of malignant changes12/4/2023MedikForumFirst of all it is necessary to pay attention to change of the sizes and a form of birthmarks, emergence of asymmetry, change of color and bleeding at contactFirst of all it is necessary to pay attention to change of the sizes and a form of birthmarks, emergence of asymmetry, change of color and bleeding at contact12/4/2023Federalpress1232Related events+2 last weekAdministrative board of a city of the Kaluga cityMedia Score: LowAdministrative board of a city of the Kaluga cityBornno dataRelationship status: no data10Connections+10 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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