Дмитрий Александрович Кондратов Last position: (Administration of Kirov city)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowFrom the first day I said that it is a throw. The question of Yuran's resignation was not. We not that club which does sharp movements. Perfectly we understand that with our opportunities we go well though always there is a wish biggerFrom the first day I said that it is a throw. The question of Yuran's resignation was not. We not that club which does sharp movements. Perfectly we understand that with our opportunities we go well though always there is a wish bigger12/14/2023MK.RU – Nizhny NovgorodIn the winter dot strengthening is planned, big purchase will not be. As for sale of leaders, everything depends on the offer. But the end of winter collecting will be closer, the it is less probability that we will be ready to release the football player12/17/2023Messages. Nizhny NovgorodIn the winter dot strengthening is planned, big purchase will not be. As for sale of leaders, everything depends on the offer. But the end of winter collecting will be closer, the it is less probability that we will be ready to release the football playerIn the winter dot strengthening is planned, big purchase will not be. As for sale of leaders, everything depends on the offer. But the end of winter collecting will be closer, the it is less probability that we will be ready to release the football player12/16/2023R-sportsFrom the first day I said that it is a throw. The question of Yuran's resignation was not. We not that club which does sharp movements. Perfectly we understand that with our opportunities we go well though always there is a wish biggerFrom the first day I said that it is a throw. The question of Yuran's resignation was not. We not that club which does sharp movements. Perfectly we understand that with our opportunities we go well though always there is a wish bigger12/14/2023MK.RU – Nizhny NovgorodIn the winter dot strengthening is planned, big purchase will not be. As for sale of leaders, everything depends on the offer. But the end of winter collecting will be closer, the it is less probability that we will be ready to release the football player12/17/2023Messages. Nizhny NovgorodIn the winter dot strengthening is planned, big purchase will not be. As for sale of leaders, everything depends on the offer. But the end of winter collecting will be closer, the it is less probability that we will be ready to release the football playerIn the winter dot strengthening is planned, big purchase will not be. As for sale of leaders, everything depends on the offer. But the end of winter collecting will be closer, the it is less probability that we will be ready to release the football player12/16/2023R-sportsFrom the first day I said that it is a throw. The question of Yuran's resignation was not. We not that club which does sharp movements. Perfectly we understand that with our opportunities we go well though always there is a wish biggerFrom the first day I said that it is a throw. The question of Yuran's resignation was not. We not that club which does sharp movements. Perfectly we understand that with our opportunities we go well though always there is a wish bigger12/14/2023MK.RU – Nizhny Novgorod12313Related events+1 last weekAdministration of Kirov cityMedia Score: LowAdministration of Kirov cityBornno dataRelationship status: no data34Connections+0 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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