Денис Владимирович Полюбин Last position: (MINEKONOMRAZVITIYA KRAYA)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowI invite inhabitants and guests of the capital of our region to visit New Year's Eve fairs! It will be possible to buy qualitative local production at lower priceI invite inhabitants and guests of the capital of our region to visit New Year's Eve fairs! It will be possible to buy qualitative local production at lower price12/15/2023ГТРК "Ставрополье"Today Stavropol Territory took one more big step to import substitution. Opened the Russia's first whisky production production of a full cycle. Alcoholic drink will make on the basis of the Stavropol grain12/18/2023It is the CaucasusIn Stavropol will pass New Year's Eve food fairs at which the wide choice of farmer eggs and chicken meat will be presentedIn Stavropol will pass New Year's Eve food fairs at which the wide choice of farmer eggs and chicken meat will be presented12/15/2023It is the CaucasusI invite inhabitants and guests of the capital of our region to visit New Year's Eve fairs! It will be possible to buy qualitative local production at lower priceI invite inhabitants and guests of the capital of our region to visit New Year's Eve fairs! It will be possible to buy qualitative local production at lower price12/15/2023ГТРК "Ставрополье"Today Stavropol Territory took one more big step to import substitution. Opened the Russia's first whisky production production of a full cycle. Alcoholic drink will make on the basis of the Stavropol grain12/18/2023It is the CaucasusIn Stavropol will pass New Year's Eve food fairs at which the wide choice of farmer eggs and chicken meat will be presentedIn Stavropol will pass New Year's Eve food fairs at which the wide choice of farmer eggs and chicken meat will be presented12/15/2023It is the CaucasusI invite inhabitants and guests of the capital of our region to visit New Year's Eve fairs! It will be possible to buy qualitative local production at lower priceI invite inhabitants and guests of the capital of our region to visit New Year's Eve fairs! It will be possible to buy qualitative local production at lower price12/15/2023ГТРК "Ставрополье"12359Related events+13 last weekMINEKONOMRAZVITIYA KRAYAMedia Score: LowMINEKONOMRAZVITIYA KRAYA36years oldBornJuly 20, 1988StavropolRelationship status: no data75Connections+28 last weekNewsConnections Tree
IndustryСтавропольские предприятия представили РФ на международной выставке в Марокко11/27/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography55 secNorth Caucasian Federal DistrictWildberries и Ozon инвестировали в хаб на Ставрополье 10 млрд рублей11/22/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia22 secNorth Caucasian Federal DistrictСтавропольские сельхозпроизводители представили свою продукцию на выставке в ТашкентеYesterday at 5:43 PMPeopleCompaniesGeography31 secEntrepreneurshipМалый и средний бизнес Ставрополья будет участвовать в I Всероссийском рейтинге «Индекс дела»North Caucasian newsYesterday at 4:04 PMPeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts1 minNorth Caucasian Federal DistrictСтавропольские компании на международной выставке в МароккоYesterday at 12:00 AMPeopleCompaniesGeography1.6 minNorth Caucasian Federal DistrictВ Ставрополье открылся торгово-логистический хаб за ₽10 млрд. Свои склады там запустили Wildberries и Ozon11/27/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.2 min
Finances & MarketsСтаврополье развивает экспортное сотрудничество с Африкой11/27/2024PeopleGeography30 secEntrepreneurshipОборудование закупят для завода за счёт Фонда микрофинансирования Ставрополья11/26/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography32 secSocial policyНа Ставрополье отец участников СВО купил в лизинг сельхозтехнику благодаря нацпроектуMK.RU Stavropol (Caucasus)11/22/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography33 secLarge businessПрограмму поддержки и продвижения местных брендов разрабатывают на Ставрополье11/21/2024PeopleGeography27 secOtherЭкспортом своей продукции занимаются 600 компаний Ставрополья11/21/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1 minEntrepreneurshipНа Ставрополье начнут проводить «Всероссийскую ярмарку»11/20/2024PeopleGeography27 sec
Trending PeopleMost discussed today114Valery Nikolaevich FalkovRating: 43-1Mention frequency43-1ConnectionsOrganizations366People290Places230Events67Technologies33Laws3
IndustryНа Ставрополье действует 600 предприятий-экспортёров11/20/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography29 secAgricultureГУБЕРНАТОР ВЛАДИМИРОВ ПОРУЧИЛ РАСШИРИТЬ ЭКСПОРТ УСЛУГ НА СТАВРОПОЛЬЕGovernor of Stavropol Krai11/20/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.4 minNorth Caucasian Federal DistrictСтавропольские предприятия продвигают свою продукцию на международной выставке Vietnam FoodExpo-2024 - АБН 24Agency business of news11/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography48 secEntrepreneurshipПредставители трёх компаний Ставрополья участвуют в продовольственной выставке во Вьетнаме11/19/2024PeopleGeography22 secSocial policyСтаврополье участвует в отборе инклюзивных практик11/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts30 secNorth Caucasian Federal DistrictЗерно, яблоки и алкоголь со Ставрополья оценили в Китае11/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography28 sec