Игорь Геннадиевич Мураев Last position: (MINLESPROM JOINT-STOCK COMPANY)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowOne more reason why this place is chosen, consists in cutting transportation costs for transportation of waste that will allow to lower a tariff for export and processingOne more reason why this place is chosen, consists in cutting transportation costs for transportation of waste that will allow to lower a tariff for export and processing12/4/2023Interfax Russia145 actions were initially planned, upon was realized more than 700. It is various subject - both cleaning of territories, and community work days, and different educational actions - actions, conferences, dictations12/14/2023ГТРК "Поморье"The territorial scheme which is the main basic document for such activity, does not include any kilogram of waste from other subjects. AnyThe territorial scheme which is the main basic document for such activity, does not include any kilogram of waste from other subjects. Any12/5/2023FederalpressOne more reason why this place is chosen, consists in cutting transportation costs for transportation of waste that will allow to lower a tariff for export and processingOne more reason why this place is chosen, consists in cutting transportation costs for transportation of waste that will allow to lower a tariff for export and processing12/4/2023Interfax Russia145 actions were initially planned, upon was realized more than 700. It is various subject - both cleaning of territories, and community work days, and different educational actions - actions, conferences, dictations12/14/2023ГТРК "Поморье"The territorial scheme which is the main basic document for such activity, does not include any kilogram of waste from other subjects. AnyThe territorial scheme which is the main basic document for such activity, does not include any kilogram of waste from other subjects. Any12/5/2023FederalpressOne more reason why this place is chosen, consists in cutting transportation costs for transportation of waste that will allow to lower a tariff for export and processingOne more reason why this place is chosen, consists in cutting transportation costs for transportation of waste that will allow to lower a tariff for export and processing12/4/2023Interfax Russia12327Related events+13 last weekMINLESPROM JOINT-STOCK COMPANYMedia Score: LowMINLESPROM JOINT-STOCK COMPANY49years oldBornOctober 17, 1975Omsk regionRelationship status: no data47Connections+27 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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Social policyВ Поморье проводится плановая проверка деятельности регионального оператора по обращению с отходамиGovernment of the Arkhangelsk region11/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography2.1 minEcologyОчистка мыса Челюскин от мусора займет более 10 лет. Здесь ржавые бочки, сгнившая техника и даже останки кораблейMTRK "World"11/18/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.5 minEcology«Михаил Сомов» вернулся из третьего по счёту рейса по снабжению полярных метеостанций11/17/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography2.6 minPolitics«ЭкоИнтегратору» грозит потеря статуса регоператора по обороту ТКОRUSNORD NEWS AGENCY11/13/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography27 secEcologyВолонтеры «Чистой Арктики» завершили экспедицию на мыс Челюскин11/13/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts2.5 minEcologyВ Архангельск сегодня утром вернулась «Команда Арктики»11/12/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.7 min
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