Елизавета Станиславна Лихачева Last position: (GMII named after A. S. Pushkina)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowThe lord Elgin which took out them, broke the law existing at that time on cultural values; it told lies, deceived the deputy, took out part of sculptures, it is possible to tell, – stoleThe lord Elgin which took out them, broke the law existing at that time on cultural values; it told lies, deceived the deputy, took out part of sculptures, it is possible to tell, – stole11/29/2023online newspaper "Vesti.Ru"Before restorers the task to increase a flow of visitors is not necessary. The house museum will work for the visitors, one group on 5 people a day. It will be mass never12/11/2023Interfax Real estateThe museum is people who come to it, people who do it. Without you it everything is absolutely senseless. Both the apartment, and music, and painting – all this is necessary for nobody if you do not come, therefore thank you very much that came! The museum is people who come to it, people who do it. Without you it everything is absolutely senseless. Both the apartment, and music, and painting – all this is necessary for nobody if you do not come, therefore thank you very much that came! 12/1/2023SmotrimThe lord Elgin which took out them, broke the law existing at that time on cultural values; it told lies, deceived the deputy, took out part of sculptures, it is possible to tell, – stoleThe lord Elgin which took out them, broke the law existing at that time on cultural values; it told lies, deceived the deputy, took out part of sculptures, it is possible to tell, – stole11/29/2023online newspaper "Vesti.Ru"Before restorers the task to increase a flow of visitors is not necessary. The house museum will work for the visitors, one group on 5 people a day. It will be mass never12/11/2023Interfax Real estateThe museum is people who come to it, people who do it. Without you it everything is absolutely senseless. Both the apartment, and music, and painting – all this is necessary for nobody if you do not come, therefore thank you very much that came! The museum is people who come to it, people who do it. Without you it everything is absolutely senseless. Both the apartment, and music, and painting – all this is necessary for nobody if you do not come, therefore thank you very much that came! 12/1/2023SmotrimThe lord Elgin which took out them, broke the law existing at that time on cultural values; it told lies, deceived the deputy, took out part of sculptures, it is possible to tell, – stoleThe lord Elgin which took out them, broke the law existing at that time on cultural values; it told lies, deceived the deputy, took out part of sculptures, it is possible to tell, – stole11/29/2023online newspaper "Vesti.Ru"12320Related events+11 last weekGMII named after A. S. PushkinaMedia Score: LowGMII named after A. S. Pushkina46years oldBornJuly 20, 1978MoscowRelationship status: no data130Connections+59 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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