Vladimir Kornilov Last position: Journalist, political scientist, historian, public figureViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreAnd here looked at its last post in the social network forbidden in Russia – on February 23, 2022 from the city of Truskavets. After that suddenly it disappeared from social networks. I guess that, probably, her dream of the European Union and shorts came trueAnd here looked at its last post in the social network forbidden in Russia – on February 23, 2022 from the city of Truskavets. After that suddenly it disappeared from social networks. I guess that, probably, her dream of the European Union and shorts came true11/29/2023SmotrimAt Zelensky for each audience individual speeches are prepared. And words that the Russian army allegedly did not take any settlement for 2023, are aimed at foreign public. It purposefully says lies, thinking that this lie will swallow12/13/2023Gazeta.RuAfter such statements of the official figure, in fact the chief of their General Staff, in my opinion, we are simply obliged to help and husitam with Yemen, and to strike the corresponding blows to AmericansAfter such statements of the official figure, in fact the chief of their General Staff, in my opinion, we are simply obliged to help and husitam with Yemen, and to strike the corresponding blows to Americans12/5/2023SmotrimAnd here looked at its last post in the social network forbidden in Russia – on February 23, 2022 from the city of Truskavets. After that suddenly it disappeared from social networks. I guess that, probably, her dream of the European Union and shorts came trueAnd here looked at its last post in the social network forbidden in Russia – on February 23, 2022 from the city of Truskavets. After that suddenly it disappeared from social networks. I guess that, probably, her dream of the European Union and shorts came true11/29/2023SmotrimAt Zelensky for each audience individual speeches are prepared. And words that the Russian army allegedly did not take any settlement for 2023, are aimed at foreign public. It purposefully says lies, thinking that this lie will swallow12/13/2023Gazeta.RuAfter such statements of the official figure, in fact the chief of their General Staff, in my opinion, we are simply obliged to help and husitam with Yemen, and to strike the corresponding blows to AmericansAfter such statements of the official figure, in fact the chief of their General Staff, in my opinion, we are simply obliged to help and husitam with Yemen, and to strike the corresponding blows to Americans12/5/2023SmotrimAnd here looked at its last post in the social network forbidden in Russia – on February 23, 2022 from the city of Truskavets. After that suddenly it disappeared from social networks. I guess that, probably, her dream of the European Union and shorts came trueAnd here looked at its last post in the social network forbidden in Russia – on February 23, 2022 from the city of Truskavets. After that suddenly it disappeared from social networks. I guess that, probably, her dream of the European Union and shorts came true11/29/2023Smotrim12321Related events+6 last week0Media Score56years oldBornJuly 13, 1968LipetskRelationship status: no data124Connections+53 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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