Kevin Ian Magnussen Last position: The professional athlete on motorsportViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreI very well started, and then Elbon hooked on Nicko and crashed into me. But already to do nothing with it. Let's prepare for the following race. I look forward to Las Vegas! I very well started, and then Elbon hooked on Nicko and crashed into me. But already to do nothing with it. Let's prepare for the following race. I look forward to Las Vegas! 11/6/2023F1News.RuUnfortunately, in the second session of free arrivals I did not manage to estimate behavior of a race car fully. I can tell one - at a racing distance on tires Medium at us quite good speed. Let's look, what benefit it will bring us in race11/24/2023F1 Report — All about Formula OneTo have the opinion – it is normal. It is Perhaps better to keep it around. Eventually, all of us have quite good salaries, we lead good life, and all thanks to it. Perhaps we should appreciate slightly more than showTo have the opinion – it is normal. It is Perhaps better to keep it around. Eventually, all of us have quite good salaries, we lead good life, and all thanks to it. Perhaps we should appreciate slightly more than show11/21/2023In total about sport.ruI very well started, and then Elbon hooked on Nicko and crashed into me. But already to do nothing with it. Let's prepare for the following race. I look forward to Las Vegas! I very well started, and then Elbon hooked on Nicko and crashed into me. But already to do nothing with it. Let's prepare for the following race. I look forward to Las Vegas! 11/6/2023F1News.RuUnfortunately, in the second session of free arrivals I did not manage to estimate behavior of a race car fully. I can tell one - at a racing distance on tires Medium at us quite good speed. Let's look, what benefit it will bring us in race11/24/2023F1 Report — All about Formula OneTo have the opinion – it is normal. It is Perhaps better to keep it around. Eventually, all of us have quite good salaries, we lead good life, and all thanks to it. Perhaps we should appreciate slightly more than showTo have the opinion – it is normal. It is Perhaps better to keep it around. Eventually, all of us have quite good salaries, we lead good life, and all thanks to it. Perhaps we should appreciate slightly more than show11/21/2023In total about sport.ruI very well started, and then Elbon hooked on Nicko and crashed into me. But already to do nothing with it. Let's prepare for the following race. I look forward to Las Vegas! I very well started, and then Elbon hooked on Nicko and crashed into me. But already to do nothing with it. Let's prepare for the following race. I look forward to Las Vegas! 11/6/2023F1News.Ru123144Related events+20 last week0Media Score31years oldBornOctober 5, 1992RoskildeRelationship status: no data78Connections+45 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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