Alexander Frolov Last position: Deputy CEO (LLC "Higher education institution natsionalnoy energetiki")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowIf quotations remain at the current level, there is a possibility of control of the prices within the next calendar month. But when winter weather will be established practically in all regions, demand for the winter diesel can riseIf quotations remain at the current level, there is a possibility of control of the prices within the next calendar month. But when winter weather will be established practically in all regions, demand for the winter diesel can rise11/30/2023AIF-RyazanJoining of Brazil to the countries which have signed the agreement — is fine news. Moreover, in my opinion, it is the most interesting news following the results of meeting12/1/2023PRIMEJoining of Brazil to the countries which have signed the agreement — is fine news. Moreover, in my opinion, it is the most interesting news following the results of meetingJoining of Brazil to the countries which have signed the agreement — is fine news. Moreover, in my opinion, it is the most interesting news following the results of meeting12/1/2023PRIMEIf quotations remain at the current level, there is a possibility of control of the prices within the next calendar month. But when winter weather will be established practically in all regions, demand for the winter diesel can riseIf quotations remain at the current level, there is a possibility of control of the prices within the next calendar month. But when winter weather will be established practically in all regions, demand for the winter diesel can rise11/30/2023AIF-RyazanJoining of Brazil to the countries which have signed the agreement — is fine news. Moreover, in my opinion, it is the most interesting news following the results of meeting12/1/2023PRIMEJoining of Brazil to the countries which have signed the agreement — is fine news. Moreover, in my opinion, it is the most interesting news following the results of meetingJoining of Brazil to the countries which have signed the agreement — is fine news. Moreover, in my opinion, it is the most interesting news following the results of meeting12/1/2023PRIMEIf quotations remain at the current level, there is a possibility of control of the prices within the next calendar month. But when winter weather will be established practically in all regions, demand for the winter diesel can riseIf quotations remain at the current level, there is a possibility of control of the prices within the next calendar month. But when winter weather will be established practically in all regions, demand for the winter diesel can rise11/30/2023AIF-Ryazan1235Related events+0 last weekDeputy CEOLLC "Higher education institution natsionalnoy energetiki"Media Score: LowDeputy CEOLLC "Higher education institution natsionalnoy energetiki"41years oldBornDecember 21, 1982SevastopolRelationship status: no data55Connections+0 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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