Andrey Aleksandrovich Tyazhelnikov Last position: Chief physician (STATE BUDGETARY HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION "KDP NO. 121 DZM")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowIf we will sleep till a dinner, then to toil, not to know where to put itself, then to overeat and abuse alcohol in the evening, it will give, certainly, a negative response in health and feelingsIf we will sleep till a dinner, then to toil, not to know where to put itself, then to overeat and abuse alcohol in the evening, it will give, certainly, a negative response in health and feelings12/5/2023Primorye24Any warmings up can provoke bigger distribution of an infection, and at a temperature in general are contraindicated. Inhalations by hot steam over potato are unsafe also. Even inhalations by means of a nebulayzer should not be done without appointment of the doctor12/6/2023MedikForumIt is necessary to drink warm drinks, for example tea with a lemon and honey, the berry and grassy infusions, simply warmed up clear water. Warm drink softens a throat and removes intoxicationIt is necessary to drink warm drinks, for example tea with a lemon and honey, the berry and grassy infusions, simply warmed up clear water. Warm drink softens a throat and removes intoxication12/6/2023M24If we will sleep till a dinner, then to toil, not to know where to put itself, then to overeat and abuse alcohol in the evening, it will give, certainly, a negative response in health and feelingsIf we will sleep till a dinner, then to toil, not to know where to put itself, then to overeat and abuse alcohol in the evening, it will give, certainly, a negative response in health and feelings12/5/2023Primorye24Any warmings up can provoke bigger distribution of an infection, and at a temperature in general are contraindicated. Inhalations by hot steam over potato are unsafe also. Even inhalations by means of a nebulayzer should not be done without appointment of the doctor12/6/2023MedikForumIt is necessary to drink warm drinks, for example tea with a lemon and honey, the berry and grassy infusions, simply warmed up clear water. Warm drink softens a throat and removes intoxicationIt is necessary to drink warm drinks, for example tea with a lemon and honey, the berry and grassy infusions, simply warmed up clear water. Warm drink softens a throat and removes intoxication12/6/2023M24If we will sleep till a dinner, then to toil, not to know where to put itself, then to overeat and abuse alcohol in the evening, it will give, certainly, a negative response in health and feelingsIf we will sleep till a dinner, then to toil, not to know where to put itself, then to overeat and abuse alcohol in the evening, it will give, certainly, a negative response in health and feelings12/5/2023Primorye241236Related events+0 last weekChief physicianSTATE BUDGETARY HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION "KDP NO. 121 DZM"Media Score: LowChief physicianSTATE BUDGETARY HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION "KDP NO. 121 DZM"49years oldBornMarch 18, 1975KrasnoyarskRelationship status: He is married19Connections+0 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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