Vadim Petrovich Cheban Last position: Chairman of the board (Joint-stock company "Moldovagaz")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowAnd if they also were, NARE as the regulator, somehow reacted is unambiguous and would authorize the gas-distributing companies. I can precisely tell – regarding Moldovagaz group of companies of it [blocking of supply of gas on 10 pour into Gagauziya] noAnd if they also were, NARE as the regulator, somehow reacted is unambiguous and would authorize the gas-distributing companies. I can precisely tell – regarding Moldovagaz group of companies of it [blocking of supply of gas on 10 pour into Gagauziya] no12/12/2023Gagauzinfo.MDBefore mandate end I am occupied with Moldovagaz affairs, more many that it is necessary to make. Further we will already look. Let's come by then and we will think12/13/2023Gagauzinfo.MDBoth the consumer, and the new supplier, and "Gagauz-Gaz" if we say about Gagauziya, that procedure of change of the supplier begins. It takes at most 20 daysBoth the consumer, and the new supplier, and "Gagauz-Gaz" if we say about Gagauziya, that procedure of change of the supplier begins. It takes at most 20 days12/12/2023Gagauzinfo.MDAnd if they also were, NARE as the regulator, somehow reacted is unambiguous and would authorize the gas-distributing companies. I can precisely tell – regarding Moldovagaz group of companies of it [blocking of supply of gas on 10 pour into Gagauziya] noAnd if they also were, NARE as the regulator, somehow reacted is unambiguous and would authorize the gas-distributing companies. I can precisely tell – regarding Moldovagaz group of companies of it [blocking of supply of gas on 10 pour into Gagauziya] no12/12/2023Gagauzinfo.MDBefore mandate end I am occupied with Moldovagaz affairs, more many that it is necessary to make. Further we will already look. Let's come by then and we will think12/13/2023Gagauzinfo.MDBoth the consumer, and the new supplier, and "Gagauz-Gaz" if we say about Gagauziya, that procedure of change of the supplier begins. It takes at most 20 daysBoth the consumer, and the new supplier, and "Gagauz-Gaz" if we say about Gagauziya, that procedure of change of the supplier begins. It takes at most 20 days12/12/2023Gagauzinfo.MDAnd if they also were, NARE as the regulator, somehow reacted is unambiguous and would authorize the gas-distributing companies. I can precisely tell – regarding Moldovagaz group of companies of it [blocking of supply of gas on 10 pour into Gagauziya] noAnd if they also were, NARE as the regulator, somehow reacted is unambiguous and would authorize the gas-distributing companies. I can precisely tell – regarding Moldovagaz group of companies of it [blocking of supply of gas on 10 pour into Gagauziya] no12/12/2023Gagauzinfo.MD12320Related events+10 last weekChairman of the boardJoint-stock company "Moldovagaz"Media Score: LowChairman of the boardJoint-stock company "Moldovagaz"Bornno dataRelationship status: no data47Connections+38 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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