Marina Vorobyev Last position: (Ministry of Health of the Penza region)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowBut, probably, three pricks are a pity - to transfer the child. In general those children who prokontaktirovali with the patient with measles, we do an immunoglobulin inoculation if the child about one year, and to children is more senior can make a monovaccineBut, probably, three pricks are a pity - to transfer the child. In general those children who prokontaktirovali with the patient with measles, we do an immunoglobulin inoculation if the child about one year, and to children is more senior can make a monovaccine12/12/2023PenzainformI yet do not know, in what state the child will be born, she now gives birth. But usually it badly comes to an end for a fruit. It is deplorable when in the country there are all types of vaccines when vaccination is free, and people were not vaccinated12/12/2023PenzainformI remember when still worked in an all-medical network, we had a lifting of mikoplazmenny pneumonia, we surveyed classes, and at children without "clinic" who did not cough at all, found bilateral pneumoniaI remember when still worked in an all-medical network, we had a lifting of mikoplazmenny pneumonia, we surveyed classes, and at children without "clinic" who did not cough at all, found bilateral pneumonia12/12/2023Пенза-ВзглядBut, probably, three pricks are a pity - to transfer the child. In general those children who prokontaktirovali with the patient with measles, we do an immunoglobulin inoculation if the child about one year, and to children is more senior can make a monovaccineBut, probably, three pricks are a pity - to transfer the child. In general those children who prokontaktirovali with the patient with measles, we do an immunoglobulin inoculation if the child about one year, and to children is more senior can make a monovaccine12/12/2023PenzainformI yet do not know, in what state the child will be born, she now gives birth. But usually it badly comes to an end for a fruit. It is deplorable when in the country there are all types of vaccines when vaccination is free, and people were not vaccinated12/12/2023PenzainformI remember when still worked in an all-medical network, we had a lifting of mikoplazmenny pneumonia, we surveyed classes, and at children without "clinic" who did not cough at all, found bilateral pneumoniaI remember when still worked in an all-medical network, we had a lifting of mikoplazmenny pneumonia, we surveyed classes, and at children without "clinic" who did not cough at all, found bilateral pneumonia12/12/2023Пенза-ВзглядBut, probably, three pricks are a pity - to transfer the child. In general those children who prokontaktirovali with the patient with measles, we do an immunoglobulin inoculation if the child about one year, and to children is more senior can make a monovaccineBut, probably, three pricks are a pity - to transfer the child. In general those children who prokontaktirovali with the patient with measles, we do an immunoglobulin inoculation if the child about one year, and to children is more senior can make a monovaccine12/12/2023Penzainform12315Related events+4 last weekMinistry of Health of the Penza regionMedia Score: LowMinistry of Health of the Penza regionBornno dataRelationship status: no data15Connections+6 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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