Youri Moiseev Last position: (CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF THE KALUGA CITY)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowDear friends! You are heroes of our time, on such people for eyelids kept, and our country will keep. You made very serious choice and assumed huge responsibilityDear friends! You are heroes of our time, on such people for eyelids kept, and our country will keep. You made very serious choice and assumed huge responsibility11/15/2023MK.RU KalugaNext year we are expected by Russian presidential elections. Last year in Kaluga elections were for the first time held in the mixed form – it was possible to vote as on polling stations, and far off on a portal of Gosuslug12/8/2023MK.RU KalugaExhibition very unusual and memorable. I am sure that it will cause interest in a wide range of people of all generations. I want to thank the staff of the museum of astronautics and everything who took part in creation of this exhibitionExhibition very unusual and memorable. I am sure that it will cause interest in a wide range of people of all generations. I want to thank the staff of the museum of astronautics and everything who took part in creation of this exhibition12/8/2023MK.RU KalugaDear friends! You are heroes of our time, on such people for eyelids kept, and our country will keep. You made very serious choice and assumed huge responsibilityDear friends! You are heroes of our time, on such people for eyelids kept, and our country will keep. You made very serious choice and assumed huge responsibility11/15/2023MK.RU KalugaNext year we are expected by Russian presidential elections. Last year in Kaluga elections were for the first time held in the mixed form – it was possible to vote as on polling stations, and far off on a portal of Gosuslug12/8/2023MK.RU KalugaExhibition very unusual and memorable. I am sure that it will cause interest in a wide range of people of all generations. I want to thank the staff of the museum of astronautics and everything who took part in creation of this exhibitionExhibition very unusual and memorable. I am sure that it will cause interest in a wide range of people of all generations. I want to thank the staff of the museum of astronautics and everything who took part in creation of this exhibition12/8/2023MK.RU KalugaDear friends! You are heroes of our time, on such people for eyelids kept, and our country will keep. You made very serious choice and assumed huge responsibilityDear friends! You are heroes of our time, on such people for eyelids kept, and our country will keep. You made very serious choice and assumed huge responsibility11/15/2023MK.RU Kaluga12316Related events+1 last weekCITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF THE KALUGA CITYMedia Score: LowCITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF THE KALUGA CITY46years oldBornApril 8, 1978KalugaRelationship status: He is married23Connections+2 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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