Boris Volynov Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreAnd to you I want, dear fellow countrymen to wish the most important — a good health, let it will be space. I want to wish you success — labor progress, in study. But the most important — space good luck, it rescued meAnd to you I want, dear fellow countrymen to wish the most important — a good health, let it will be space. I want to wish you success — labor progress, in study. But the most important — space good luck, it rescued me12/18/2023Vestie IrkutskWe were amicable with Yura Gagarin. And in sports were amicable, and then became neighbors in apartments. Close knew each other, often we had his children, he had ours12/18/2023Vestie IrkutskPink streams, plaits of the heated air warmed to high temperatures here and so curl. Very effectively, still I rememberPink streams, plaits of the heated air warmed to high temperatures here and so curl. Very effectively, still I remember12/18/2023Vestie IrkutskAnd to you I want, dear fellow countrymen to wish the most important — a good health, let it will be space. I want to wish you success — labor progress, in study. But the most important — space good luck, it rescued meAnd to you I want, dear fellow countrymen to wish the most important — a good health, let it will be space. I want to wish you success — labor progress, in study. But the most important — space good luck, it rescued me12/18/2023Vestie IrkutskWe were amicable with Yura Gagarin. And in sports were amicable, and then became neighbors in apartments. Close knew each other, often we had his children, he had ours12/18/2023Vestie IrkutskPink streams, plaits of the heated air warmed to high temperatures here and so curl. Very effectively, still I rememberPink streams, plaits of the heated air warmed to high temperatures here and so curl. Very effectively, still I remember12/18/2023Vestie IrkutskAnd to you I want, dear fellow countrymen to wish the most important — a good health, let it will be space. I want to wish you success — labor progress, in study. But the most important — space good luck, it rescued meAnd to you I want, dear fellow countrymen to wish the most important — a good health, let it will be space. I want to wish you success — labor progress, in study. But the most important — space good luck, it rescued me12/18/2023Vestie Irkutsk12333Related events+33 last week0Media Score250Rank position90years oldBornDecember 18, 1934IrkutskRelationship status: He is married46Connections+46 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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OtherПриятный жест кузбасскому космонавту от известного парня распространился по Сети7 hours agoGeographyPeople20 secOtherПортреты прославленных космонавтов Гагарина и Волынова появились в ПрокопьевскеVSE42.RU7 hours agoProductsGeographyPeople19 secOtherЛегенда Кузбасса: космонавту Борису Волынову исполнилось 90 летNewspaper of Kemerovo7 hours agoGeographyPeople52 secOtherТурнир по шашкам в честь 90-летия космонавта Бориса Волынова прошел в ИркутскеVestie Irkutsk10 hours agoCompaniesGeographyPeople15 secOtherДень мира и спокойствия: народные приметы на 18 декабряNewspaper of Kemerovo11 hours agoPeople41 secSocial activitiesКто родился 18 декабря: список известных личностейSport Express12 hours agoPeopleMediaGeography1 min