James George Stavridis Last position: (Naval institute United States of America)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreIn Europe there are big fears that Trump's second presidency will lead to the actual conclusion of the United States from NATOIn Europe there are big fears that Trump's second presidency will lead to the actual conclusion of the United States from NATO12/10/2023RBCArmies (VS of Russia. — RT)... became tempered, having turned into capable defenders behind mines belts, barriers and tanks — all this is protected by the aviation force with which Ukraine cannot equal12/14/2023RT in RussianZelensky can consider opportunity temporary or even a constant concession of the Crimea and "the overland bridge", connecting him with RussiaZelensky can consider opportunity temporary or even a constant concession of the Crimea and "the overland bridge", connecting him with Russia12/14/2023Gazeta.RuIn Europe there are big fears that Trump's second presidency will lead to the actual conclusion of the United States from NATOIn Europe there are big fears that Trump's second presidency will lead to the actual conclusion of the United States from NATO12/10/2023RBCArmies (VS of Russia. — RT)... became tempered, having turned into capable defenders behind mines belts, barriers and tanks — all this is protected by the aviation force with which Ukraine cannot equal12/14/2023RT in RussianZelensky can consider opportunity temporary or even a constant concession of the Crimea and "the overland bridge", connecting him with RussiaZelensky can consider opportunity temporary or even a constant concession of the Crimea and "the overland bridge", connecting him with Russia12/14/2023Gazeta.RuIn Europe there are big fears that Trump's second presidency will lead to the actual conclusion of the United States from NATOIn Europe there are big fears that Trump's second presidency will lead to the actual conclusion of the United States from NATO12/10/2023RBC12377Related events+65 last weekNaval institute United States of America0Media ScoreNaval institute United States of America69years oldBornFebruary 15, 1955West Palm BeachRelationship status: He is married157Connections+145 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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PoliticsГенсек НАТО Рютте заявил, что Украина терпит поражение в конфликтеwebsite "Rossiyskaya gazeta"Yesterday at 12:54 AMPeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia46 secPoliticsГенсек НАТО Рютте призвал США и ЕС изменить траекторию конфликта на Украинеwebsite "Rossiyskaya gazeta"11/12/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia58 secPoliticsЖурнал Newsweek назвал способ остановки конфликта на Украинеwebsite "Rossiyskaya gazeta"11/11/2024PeopleGeographyCompaniesMedia54 secPoliticsПисториус заявил, что Трамп может пойти на сделку с Россией по УкраинеRT in Russian11/11/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia27 secPoliticsВ офисе Зеленского отреагировали на сообщения о планах Трампа по Украинеwebsite "Rossiyskaya gazeta"11/11/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia46 secPolitics«С подачи Байдена»: Такер Карлсон обвинил США в потере Украиной территорийEvening Moscow11/11/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts44 sec
Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today39World BankRating: 14-56Mention frequency14-56ConnectionsOrganizations581Places437People341Events148Technologies87Laws1
PoliticsВ Британии не ждут, что Трамп отвернется от НАТОGazeta.Ru11/11/2024PeopleGeographyCompaniesMedia47 secPolitics«Обсудили установление мира»: что западные СМИ рассказали о телефонном разговоре Трампа и ПутинаRT in Russian11/11/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia2.6 minPoliticsЖурналистка Панченко: Зеленский начал чистку окружения из-за победы ТрампаRT in Russian11/11/2024PeopleGeographyCompaniesMedia22 secPoliticsCNN указал на негативную оценку союзников Украины ее перспектив в конфликтеdaily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"11/11/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.7 minPoliticsВ США сделали неутешительное заявление о европейских лидерахGazeta.Ru11/11/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia52 secPoliticsTelegraph: Стармер и Макрон могут убедить США разрешить Киеву бить вглубь России11/11/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia41 sec