Innokenty Mikhaylovich Androsov Last position: (State public institution Sakha Republic "Rescue service RS (Ya)")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowThe service of rescue of the republic regularly gives help to families mobilized, solving ordinary for rural areas household problems, such, as preparation of ice, the firewood which is traditionally considered as man's businessThe service of rescue of the republic regularly gives help to families mobilized, solving ordinary for rural areas household problems, such, as preparation of ice, the firewood which is traditionally considered as man's business11/30/2023Новости ЯкутскаToday for commission of the second flight at midday from Tiksi the Mi-8 helicopter of Polar Airlines airline took off. Searches proceed12/15/2023Yakutia. InfoToday for commission of the second flight at midday from Tiksi the Mi-8 helicopter of Polar Airlines airline took off. Searches proceedToday for commission of the second flight at midday from Tiksi the Mi-8 helicopter of Polar Airlines airline took off. Searches proceed12/14/2023SakhaTimeThe service of rescue of the republic regularly gives help to families mobilized, solving ordinary for rural areas household problems, such, as preparation of ice, the firewood which is traditionally considered as man's businessThe service of rescue of the republic regularly gives help to families mobilized, solving ordinary for rural areas household problems, such, as preparation of ice, the firewood which is traditionally considered as man's business11/30/2023Новости ЯкутскаToday for commission of the second flight at midday from Tiksi the Mi-8 helicopter of Polar Airlines airline took off. Searches proceed12/15/2023Yakutia. InfoToday for commission of the second flight at midday from Tiksi the Mi-8 helicopter of Polar Airlines airline took off. Searches proceedToday for commission of the second flight at midday from Tiksi the Mi-8 helicopter of Polar Airlines airline took off. Searches proceed12/14/2023SakhaTimeThe service of rescue of the republic regularly gives help to families mobilized, solving ordinary for rural areas household problems, such, as preparation of ice, the firewood which is traditionally considered as man's businessThe service of rescue of the republic regularly gives help to families mobilized, solving ordinary for rural areas household problems, such, as preparation of ice, the firewood which is traditionally considered as man's business11/30/2023Новости Якутска1237Related events+0 last weekState public institution Sakha Republic "Rescue service RS (Ya)"Media Score: LowState public institution Sakha Republic "Rescue service RS (Ya)"65years oldBornFebruary 10, 1959TomtorRelationship status: no data7Connections+0 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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