Ruslan Ostashko Last position: (LLC "POLITRASHA")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreWhether VS Russian Federation decided to take VSU unawares, whether explosions in the city spontaneous - from understanding by ukronatsist that the USA threw themWhether VS Russian Federation decided to take VSU unawares, whether explosions in the city spontaneous - from understanding by ukronatsist that the USA threw them12/8/2023Tsargrad TV channelNumerous blows were struck to Rennie, Izmail and Kiliya. Exact number of arrivals and the hit targets while are unknown - however, the Ukrainian party for certain already prepares the fairy tale about 15 brought down rockets from 1012/14/2023Tsargrad TV channelAt least some objects of infrastructure were struck — inhabitants complain that the part of the city remained without water supplyAt least some objects of infrastructure were struck — inhabitants complain that the part of the city remained without water supply12/13/2023REGNUMWhether VS Russian Federation decided to take VSU unawares, whether explosions in the city spontaneous - from understanding by ukronatsist that the USA threw themWhether VS Russian Federation decided to take VSU unawares, whether explosions in the city spontaneous - from understanding by ukronatsist that the USA threw them12/8/2023Tsargrad TV channelNumerous blows were struck to Rennie, Izmail and Kiliya. Exact number of arrivals and the hit targets while are unknown - however, the Ukrainian party for certain already prepares the fairy tale about 15 brought down rockets from 1012/14/2023Tsargrad TV channelAt least some objects of infrastructure were struck — inhabitants complain that the part of the city remained without water supplyAt least some objects of infrastructure were struck — inhabitants complain that the part of the city remained without water supply12/13/2023REGNUMWhether VS Russian Federation decided to take VSU unawares, whether explosions in the city spontaneous - from understanding by ukronatsist that the USA threw themWhether VS Russian Federation decided to take VSU unawares, whether explosions in the city spontaneous - from understanding by ukronatsist that the USA threw them12/8/2023Tsargrad TV channel12321Related events+12 last weekLLC "POLITRASHA"0Media ScoreLLC "POLITRASHA"45years oldBornFebruary 18, 1979DonetskRelationship status: He is single117Connections+85 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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