Olga Obukhov Last position: Minister (MINKULTURY OF THE MURMANSK REGION)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreHow to acquaint creative youth with sea trade port? Probably, through such projects. And those students, those young creators who transmitted the relation through art, and they will broadcast further it at such exhibitionsHow to acquaint creative youth with sea trade port? Probably, through such projects. And those students, those young creators who transmitted the relation through art, and they will broadcast further it at such exhibitions11/29/2023Арктик-ТВWe not casually chose a format of ice show, as well as last year. First, it is opportunity for bigger number of children to visit a fir-tree, and secondly, this ice show, the fairy tale, emotions12/14/2023Broadcasting Company "Murman"Hills families first of all are called for parents with preschool children to create cultural the leisure environmentHills families first of all are called for parents with preschool children to create cultural the leisure environment12/6/2023Broadcasting Company "Murman"How to acquaint creative youth with sea trade port? Probably, through such projects. And those students, those young creators who transmitted the relation through art, and they will broadcast further it at such exhibitionsHow to acquaint creative youth with sea trade port? Probably, through such projects. And those students, those young creators who transmitted the relation through art, and they will broadcast further it at such exhibitions11/29/2023Арктик-ТВWe not casually chose a format of ice show, as well as last year. First, it is opportunity for bigger number of children to visit a fir-tree, and secondly, this ice show, the fairy tale, emotions12/14/2023Broadcasting Company "Murman"Hills families first of all are called for parents with preschool children to create cultural the leisure environmentHills families first of all are called for parents with preschool children to create cultural the leisure environment12/6/2023Broadcasting Company "Murman"How to acquaint creative youth with sea trade port? Probably, through such projects. And those students, those young creators who transmitted the relation through art, and they will broadcast further it at such exhibitionsHow to acquaint creative youth with sea trade port? Probably, through such projects. And those students, those young creators who transmitted the relation through art, and they will broadcast further it at such exhibitions11/29/2023Арктик-ТВ12323Related events+10 last weekMinisterMINKULTURY OF THE MURMANSK REGION0Media ScoreMinisterMINKULTURY OF THE MURMANSK REGIONBornno dataRelationship status: no data79Connections+40 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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