Oleg Markin Last position: Minister (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Mordovia)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowEverything who registered next day to the therapist or the narrow expert, ring round from registry to specify, the patient will come or not. If do not come – time is released and the patient from a waiting list] is inviteEverything who registered next day to the therapist or the narrow expert, ring round from registry to specify, the patient will come or not. If do not come – time is released and the patient from a waiting list] is invite12/8/2023News of MordoviaMore than 5100 endovascular interventions, 3000 koronarografiya, 1300 through skin coronary interventions are annually carried out. The office works well-coordinated, competently, for the benefit of inhabitants of RM and the neighboring regions12/15/2023ГТРК "Мордовия"There is a certain perspective. The separate service of the urgent help is now allocated, district doctors spend with patients more time. The physician already defines to what expert of a narrow profile it is necessary to direct the personThere is a certain perspective. The separate service of the urgent help is now allocated, district doctors spend with patients more time. The physician already defines to what expert of a narrow profile it is necessary to direct the person12/8/2023News of MordoviaEverything who registered next day to the therapist or the narrow expert, ring round from registry to specify, the patient will come or not. If do not come – time is released and the patient from a waiting list] is inviteEverything who registered next day to the therapist or the narrow expert, ring round from registry to specify, the patient will come or not. If do not come – time is released and the patient from a waiting list] is invite12/8/2023News of MordoviaMore than 5100 endovascular interventions, 3000 koronarografiya, 1300 through skin coronary interventions are annually carried out. The office works well-coordinated, competently, for the benefit of inhabitants of RM and the neighboring regions12/15/2023ГТРК "Мордовия"There is a certain perspective. The separate service of the urgent help is now allocated, district doctors spend with patients more time. The physician already defines to what expert of a narrow profile it is necessary to direct the personThere is a certain perspective. The separate service of the urgent help is now allocated, district doctors spend with patients more time. The physician already defines to what expert of a narrow profile it is necessary to direct the person12/8/2023News of MordoviaEverything who registered next day to the therapist or the narrow expert, ring round from registry to specify, the patient will come or not. If do not come – time is released and the patient from a waiting list] is inviteEverything who registered next day to the therapist or the narrow expert, ring round from registry to specify, the patient will come or not. If do not come – time is released and the patient from a waiting list] is invite12/8/2023News of Mordovia1239Related events+3 last weekMinisterMinistry of Health of the Republic of MordoviaMedia Score: LowMinisterMinistry of Health of the Republic of Mordovia48years oldBornMarch 25, 1976SaranskRelationship status: no data32Connections+15 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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