Boris Petrovich Ignatyev Last position: Vice-president (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY FC "TORPEDO MOSKVA")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreThey have a children's enthusiasm, good emotions, ability to build combinational soccer which increases spectator interestThey have a children's enthusiasm, good emotions, ability to build combinational soccer which increases spectator interest12/8/2023RT in RussianIt is very laudable. We have good, cordial and friendly relations with Serbians whom we too consider as the brothers12/14/2023RT in RussianOn the current season the most attractive team on game — "Krylja Sovetov". Probably, somewhere nearby still "Krasnodar" and "Dynamo". These are teams which understand that they want from the gameOn the current season the most attractive team on game — "Krylja Sovetov". Probably, somewhere nearby still "Krasnodar" and "Dynamo". These are teams which understand that they want from the game12/8/2023Gazeta.RuThey have a children's enthusiasm, good emotions, ability to build combinational soccer which increases spectator interestThey have a children's enthusiasm, good emotions, ability to build combinational soccer which increases spectator interest12/8/2023RT in RussianIt is very laudable. We have good, cordial and friendly relations with Serbians whom we too consider as the brothers12/14/2023RT in RussianOn the current season the most attractive team on game — "Krylja Sovetov". Probably, somewhere nearby still "Krasnodar" and "Dynamo". These are teams which understand that they want from the gameOn the current season the most attractive team on game — "Krylja Sovetov". Probably, somewhere nearby still "Krasnodar" and "Dynamo". These are teams which understand that they want from the game12/8/2023Gazeta.RuThey have a children's enthusiasm, good emotions, ability to build combinational soccer which increases spectator interestThey have a children's enthusiasm, good emotions, ability to build combinational soccer which increases spectator interest12/8/2023RT in Russian12356Related events+20 last week0Media Score83years oldBornDecember 5, 1940MoscowRelationship status: He is married90Connections+27 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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Trending PlacesMost discussed today95SpainRating: 6225Mention frequency6225ConnectionsPeople1730Organizations1229Places1166Events366Technologies157Laws5
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