Kirill Vyshinsky Last position: Executive director of media group (MIA "RUSSIA SEGODNYA")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowBut it is necessary to pay tribute that rather emotional, bright and noticeable person. Not casually so quickly took SBU for his death responsibilityBut it is necessary to pay tribute that rather emotional, bright and noticeable person. Not casually so quickly took SBU for his death responsibility12/6/2023AIF-RyazanThe main opponent of this process — Hungary in the person of Orban. Zelensky, probably, tried to find any last arguments. But it is probably not really successful12/11/2023Parliamentary newspaperIn order that this image was bright in order that it could be considered in details, our agency puts every day a huge number of efforts and probably it is important that it received here such symbolical name: "Russia today"In order that this image was bright in order that it could be considered in details, our agency puts every day a huge number of efforts and probably it is important that it received here such symbolical name: "Russia today"12/9/2023StarBut it is necessary to pay tribute that rather emotional, bright and noticeable person. Not casually so quickly took SBU for his death responsibilityBut it is necessary to pay tribute that rather emotional, bright and noticeable person. Not casually so quickly took SBU for his death responsibility12/6/2023AIF-RyazanThe main opponent of this process — Hungary in the person of Orban. Zelensky, probably, tried to find any last arguments. But it is probably not really successful12/11/2023Parliamentary newspaperIn order that this image was bright in order that it could be considered in details, our agency puts every day a huge number of efforts and probably it is important that it received here such symbolical name: "Russia today"In order that this image was bright in order that it could be considered in details, our agency puts every day a huge number of efforts and probably it is important that it received here such symbolical name: "Russia today"12/9/2023StarBut it is necessary to pay tribute that rather emotional, bright and noticeable person. Not casually so quickly took SBU for his death responsibilityBut it is necessary to pay tribute that rather emotional, bright and noticeable person. Not casually so quickly took SBU for his death responsibility12/6/2023AIF-Ryazan1230Related events+0 last weekExecutive director of media groupMIA "RUSSIA SEGODNYA"Media Score: LowExecutive director of media groupMIA "RUSSIA SEGODNYA"57years oldBornFebruary 19, 1967DnipropetrovskRelationship status: He is marriedConnectionsno dataNewsConnections Tree
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