Maxime Leonidovich Trankov Last position: Figure skating coachViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreCertainly, without the international starts it is difficult to raise and develop. The motivation comes with competitions, we have tournaments, though while and within the country. But it, of course, does not suffice, it is necessary to wait onlyCertainly, without the international starts it is difficult to raise and develop. The motivation comes with competitions, we have tournaments, though while and within the country. But it, of course, does not suffice, it is necessary to wait only11/28/2023business newspaper "Vzglyad"Anything else from it did not expect. We saw just recently it at TEFI ceremony, and it looked absolutely happy and self-assured. I am not surprised any more by its any feats, and I think that it not the last similar video12/11/2023information portal "Argumenty i fakty"Without the international tournaments it is difficult to raise and develop. It is necessary to wait only. All want to leave, win and earn the prize-winning. How long it so will be able to exist while it is difficult to foresee but while we existWithout the international tournaments it is difficult to raise and develop. It is necessary to wait only. All want to leave, win and earn the prize-winning. How long it so will be able to exist while it is difficult to foresee but while we exist11/28/2023R-sportsCertainly, without the international starts it is difficult to raise and develop. The motivation comes with competitions, we have tournaments, though while and within the country. But it, of course, does not suffice, it is necessary to wait onlyCertainly, without the international starts it is difficult to raise and develop. The motivation comes with competitions, we have tournaments, though while and within the country. But it, of course, does not suffice, it is necessary to wait only11/28/2023business newspaper "Vzglyad"Anything else from it did not expect. We saw just recently it at TEFI ceremony, and it looked absolutely happy and self-assured. I am not surprised any more by its any feats, and I think that it not the last similar video12/11/2023information portal "Argumenty i fakty"Without the international tournaments it is difficult to raise and develop. It is necessary to wait only. All want to leave, win and earn the prize-winning. How long it so will be able to exist while it is difficult to foresee but while we existWithout the international tournaments it is difficult to raise and develop. It is necessary to wait only. All want to leave, win and earn the prize-winning. How long it so will be able to exist while it is difficult to foresee but while we exist11/28/2023R-sportsCertainly, without the international starts it is difficult to raise and develop. The motivation comes with competitions, we have tournaments, though while and within the country. But it, of course, does not suffice, it is necessary to wait onlyCertainly, without the international starts it is difficult to raise and develop. The motivation comes with competitions, we have tournaments, though while and within the country. But it, of course, does not suffice, it is necessary to wait only11/28/2023business newspaper "Vzglyad"12343Related events+20 last week0Media Score41years oldBornOctober 7, 1983PermMarried toTatyana Volosozhar108Connections+29 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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