Felix Tsarikati Last position: CroonerViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowWell after all mentality different, different customs, different traditions. The person does not understand a lot of things. If Zalina does not explain in general, the Russian girl should chew everything, to explain everythingWell after all mentality different, different customs, different traditions. The person does not understand a lot of things. If Zalina does not explain in general, the Russian girl should chew everything, to explain everything12/16/2023Round TV"Let me tell so. Alexey – my great friend, it still young, perspective, do not puzzle, my dear sudyiya12/17/2023Round TVI have very close connections from the 90th with normal children. On concepts settled also all. I told: "You now all will leave on a forage to fishes", that's allI have very close connections from the 90th with normal children. On concepts settled also all. I told: "You now all will leave on a forage to fishes", that's all12/16/2023Round TVWell after all mentality different, different customs, different traditions. The person does not understand a lot of things. If Zalina does not explain in general, the Russian girl should chew everything, to explain everythingWell after all mentality different, different customs, different traditions. The person does not understand a lot of things. If Zalina does not explain in general, the Russian girl should chew everything, to explain everything12/16/2023Round TV"Let me tell so. Alexey – my great friend, it still young, perspective, do not puzzle, my dear sudyiya12/17/2023Round TVI have very close connections from the 90th with normal children. On concepts settled also all. I told: "You now all will leave on a forage to fishes", that's allI have very close connections from the 90th with normal children. On concepts settled also all. I told: "You now all will leave on a forage to fishes", that's all12/16/2023Round TVWell after all mentality different, different customs, different traditions. The person does not understand a lot of things. If Zalina does not explain in general, the Russian girl should chew everything, to explain everythingWell after all mentality different, different customs, different traditions. The person does not understand a lot of things. If Zalina does not explain in general, the Russian girl should chew everything, to explain everything12/16/2023Round TV12311Related events+11 last weekMedia Score: Low60years oldBornSeptember 13, 1964NalchikRelationship status: He is married22Connections+22 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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