Wladyslaw Mikhaylovich Topalov (Wladyslaw Topalov )Last position: Singer, actorViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowI began to cry. The stress which collected during this time, it thus left. Yulka sobs, and at me drove tears. I am glad for Yulya and at the same time wild offense for myselfI began to cry. The stress which collected during this time, it thus left. Yulka sobs, and at me drove tears. I am glad for Yulya and at the same time wild offense for myself9/25/2023Gazeta.RuIt was very interesting to me to test myself in conditions in which I was not before. And I am sure that the new season will precisely surprise you10/13/2023RuNews24I began to cry. The stress which collected during this time, it thus left. Yulka sobs, and at me drove tears. I am glad for Yulya and at the same time wild offense for myselfI began to cry. The stress which collected during this time, it thus left. Yulka sobs, and at me drove tears. I am glad for Yulya and at the same time wild offense for myself9/25/2023Gazeta.RuIt was very interesting to me to test myself in conditions in which I was not before. And I am sure that the new season will precisely surprise you10/13/2023RuNews24I began to cry. The stress which collected during this time, it thus left. Yulka sobs, and at me drove tears. I am glad for Yulya and at the same time wild offense for myselfI began to cry. The stress which collected during this time, it thus left. Yulka sobs, and at me drove tears. I am glad for Yulya and at the same time wild offense for myself9/25/2023Gazeta.Ru1230Related events+3 last weekMedia Score: Low38years oldBornOctober 25, 1985MoscowMarried toRegina Todorenko67Connections+9 last weekNewsConnections Tree
EntrepreneurshipСтала известна выручка бизнеса Влада Топалова на криптовалюте9/18/2024PeopleCompaniesProducts50 secSocial activities«Муж постарел»: Регина Тодоренко оставила Влада Топалова с детьми на 55 дней5 channel9/15/2024PeopleGeographyMedia45 secSocial policyТодоренко назвала причину отказа водить детей в садикMorning9/7/2024People38 secSocial activitiesВ Сети заговорили о разводе Регины Тодоренко с Владом Топаловым9/7/2024PeopleProducts1.1 minSocial activitiesНадежда Сысоева кардинально сменила имидж и привела поклонников в недоумение - фотоNotebook9/7/2024PeopleGeography1.9 minSocial activities«Каре равно развод?» — Тодоренко объяснила, почему избавилась от длинных волос5 channel9/7/2024PeopleProducts38 sec
EntertainmentТодоренко развеяла слухи о разводе с Топаловым9/6/2024People35 secSocial activitiesРегина Тодоренко заявила, что не собирается разводиться с ТопаловымWomanHit.ru9/5/2024People52 secOtherРегину Тодоренко психолог отговорил водить сына в детский садDailyShow.Ru9/5/2024PeopleProducts40 secSocial activitiesБраки звезд с миллионершами: Басков женился на дочери медицинского магната, а Плющенко - на наследнице «короля парилок»Komsomolskaya Pravda9/5/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia6.7 minSocial activities"Каре=развод": только воссоединившаяся с мужем и детьми Тодоренко решилась на отчаянный поступокTo Dni.R9/4/2024PeopleGeographyProducts58 secSocial activitiesРегина Тодоренко сразила наповал Сергея Лазарева новой стрижкой каре9/4/2024People47 sec
Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today46Regional non-governmental organization "Belaya Rus"Rating: 5Mention frequency5ConnectionsOrganizations7Places6People2Events2Technologies1
Social activitiesТодоренко психанула после воссоединения с мужем и детьми — настоящая авантюра7Дней.ру9/4/2024PeopleGeography1.2 minSocial activitiesТелеведущая Регина Тодоренко выложила видео с кареGazeta.Ru9/4/2024PeopleProducts39 secSocial activities«Истерики и стресс»: Тодоренко объяснила, почему не водит детей в детсадNews.ru9/3/2024PeopleGeographyProducts1.2 minSocial activitiesРегина Тодоренко забрала детей из детского сада: прислушалась к психологуWomanHit.ru9/3/2024PeopleMediaProducts44 secSocial activities«Решил отдохнуть от меня»: Тодоренко в свой день рождения осталась без мужа5 channel8/31/2024PeopleGeographyMedia44 secSocial activitiesРегина Тодоренко пожаловалась, что Влад Топалов бросил ее одну в день рождения8/31/2024PeopleGeographyProducts32 sec