Vadim Aleksandrovich Volchenko Last position: Minister (MINTURIZMA OF THE REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowTen days at the stand of the Republic of Crimea will be devoted to achievements in sanatorium and tourist branch, to acquaintance to the natural, improving, cultural and informative capacity of the peninsulaTen days at the stand of the Republic of Crimea will be devoted to achievements in sanatorium and tourist branch, to acquaintance to the natural, improving, cultural and informative capacity of the peninsula12/9/2023РИА Новости КрымIf to compare with last year, booking goes more actively and rather actively there is a booking of the next year and these are so-called confirmed, paid armor including for a summer season12/15/2023Вести КрымTill December 21 in pavilion of the republic decade of tourism will proceed. To visitors present our sanatorium potential – curative dirt, the Crimean cosmetics, an aromatherapy, and on December 15 we wait for all at the bottom of the RepublicTill December 21 in pavilion of the republic decade of tourism will proceed. To visitors present our sanatorium potential – curative dirt, the Crimean cosmetics, an aromatherapy, and on December 15 we wait for all at the bottom of the Republic12/13/2023Крым 24Ten days at the stand of the Republic of Crimea will be devoted to achievements in sanatorium and tourist branch, to acquaintance to the natural, improving, cultural and informative capacity of the peninsulaTen days at the stand of the Republic of Crimea will be devoted to achievements in sanatorium and tourist branch, to acquaintance to the natural, improving, cultural and informative capacity of the peninsula12/9/2023РИА Новости КрымIf to compare with last year, booking goes more actively and rather actively there is a booking of the next year and these are so-called confirmed, paid armor including for a summer season12/15/2023Вести КрымTill December 21 in pavilion of the republic decade of tourism will proceed. To visitors present our sanatorium potential – curative dirt, the Crimean cosmetics, an aromatherapy, and on December 15 we wait for all at the bottom of the RepublicTill December 21 in pavilion of the republic decade of tourism will proceed. To visitors present our sanatorium potential – curative dirt, the Crimean cosmetics, an aromatherapy, and on December 15 we wait for all at the bottom of the Republic12/13/2023Крым 24Ten days at the stand of the Republic of Crimea will be devoted to achievements in sanatorium and tourist branch, to acquaintance to the natural, improving, cultural and informative capacity of the peninsulaTen days at the stand of the Republic of Crimea will be devoted to achievements in sanatorium and tourist branch, to acquaintance to the natural, improving, cultural and informative capacity of the peninsula12/9/2023РИА Новости Крым1232Related events+1 last weekMinisterMINTURIZMA OF THE REPUBLIC OF CRIMEAMedia Score: LowMinisterMINTURIZMA OF THE REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA50years oldBornNovember 5, 1974MoscowRelationship status: He is married6Connections+3 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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