+1OfficialPoliticianAndrey Kutepov Last position: Chairman (Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreThere are restrictions on a share of the market of distribution networks – to 25 percent. However it is already necessary to pay attention and to other segments. For example, missed growth of a share of the market in transportations and received the monopolist – "Taxi Yandex". Grows as well a market share marketpleysovThere are restrictions on a share of the market of distribution networks – to 25 percent. However it is already necessary to pay attention and to other segments. For example, missed growth of a share of the market in transportations and received the monopolist – "Taxi Yandex". Grows as well a market share marketpleysov12/4/2023SmotrimEntering of offered changes into the Tax code will cause growth of a share of dealers in the market of car sales with run and, respectively, increase in tax revenues in the budget12/7/2023Parliamentary newspaperHere is small diskomforty. As a whole, turns are now increased. The amount of objects which are given and which have to be handed over this year, comes nearer to a certain point which, in principle, suits all of usHere is small diskomforty. As a whole, turns are now increased. The amount of objects which are given and which have to be handed over this year, comes nearer to a certain point which, in principle, suits all of us12/6/2023Вместе-РФThere are restrictions on a share of the market of distribution networks – to 25 percent. However it is already necessary to pay attention and to other segments. For example, missed growth of a share of the market in transportations and received the monopolist – "Taxi Yandex". Grows as well a market share marketpleysovThere are restrictions on a share of the market of distribution networks – to 25 percent. However it is already necessary to pay attention and to other segments. For example, missed growth of a share of the market in transportations and received the monopolist – "Taxi Yandex". Grows as well a market share marketpleysov12/4/2023SmotrimEntering of offered changes into the Tax code will cause growth of a share of dealers in the market of car sales with run and, respectively, increase in tax revenues in the budget12/7/2023Parliamentary newspaperHere is small diskomforty. As a whole, turns are now increased. The amount of objects which are given and which have to be handed over this year, comes nearer to a certain point which, in principle, suits all of usHere is small diskomforty. As a whole, turns are now increased. The amount of objects which are given and which have to be handed over this year, comes nearer to a certain point which, in principle, suits all of us12/6/2023Вместе-РФThere are restrictions on a share of the market of distribution networks – to 25 percent. However it is already necessary to pay attention and to other segments. For example, missed growth of a share of the market in transportations and received the monopolist – "Taxi Yandex". Grows as well a market share marketpleysovThere are restrictions on a share of the market of distribution networks – to 25 percent. However it is already necessary to pay attention and to other segments. For example, missed growth of a share of the market in transportations and received the monopolist – "Taxi Yandex". Grows as well a market share marketpleysov12/4/2023Smotrim12365Related events+16 last weekChairmanFederation Council Committee on Economic Policy0Media ScoreChairmanFederation Council Committee on Economic Policy53years oldBornApril 6, 1971Saint PetersburgRelationship status: He is married197Connections+39 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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