Eugenie Poddubny Last position: Special correspondent of Russia-24 TV channel (VGTRK)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreNow there is nothing more important for our country, than that occurs in zone SVO. And in this sense Borya Maksudov, the military reporter of VGTRK, was lost there for the Homeland. We are obliged to remember itNow there is nothing more important for our country, than that occurs in zone SVO. And in this sense Borya Maksudov, the military reporter of VGTRK, was lost there for the Homeland. We are obliged to remember it11/26/2023SmotrimAnd Warsaw suited a stopper on border in the middle of fight of groups of the western curators of the Kiev mode. And it can be while only trial calling12/4/2023Tsargrad TV channelWhether it means, what Russia can legitimately beat on military facilities in the territory of Poland or the countries of Baltic? There the Kiev mode uses objects for training of terrorists who make attacks to civil objects in RussiaWhether it means, what Russia can legitimately beat on military facilities in the territory of Poland or the countries of Baltic? There the Kiev mode uses objects for training of terrorists who make attacks to civil objects in Russia12/3/2023Tsargrad TV channelNow there is nothing more important for our country, than that occurs in zone SVO. And in this sense Borya Maksudov, the military reporter of VGTRK, was lost there for the Homeland. We are obliged to remember itNow there is nothing more important for our country, than that occurs in zone SVO. And in this sense Borya Maksudov, the military reporter of VGTRK, was lost there for the Homeland. We are obliged to remember it11/26/2023SmotrimAnd Warsaw suited a stopper on border in the middle of fight of groups of the western curators of the Kiev mode. And it can be while only trial calling12/4/2023Tsargrad TV channelWhether it means, what Russia can legitimately beat on military facilities in the territory of Poland or the countries of Baltic? There the Kiev mode uses objects for training of terrorists who make attacks to civil objects in RussiaWhether it means, what Russia can legitimately beat on military facilities in the territory of Poland or the countries of Baltic? There the Kiev mode uses objects for training of terrorists who make attacks to civil objects in Russia12/3/2023Tsargrad TV channelNow there is nothing more important for our country, than that occurs in zone SVO. And in this sense Borya Maksudov, the military reporter of VGTRK, was lost there for the Homeland. We are obliged to remember itNow there is nothing more important for our country, than that occurs in zone SVO. And in this sense Borya Maksudov, the military reporter of VGTRK, was lost there for the Homeland. We are obliged to remember it11/26/2023Smotrim12358Related events+11 last weekSpecial correspondent of Russia-24 TV channelVGTRK0Media ScoreSpecial correspondent of Russia-24 TV channelVGTRK41years oldBornAugust 22, 1983BelgorodRelationship status: He is single136Connections+64 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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