Alexander Povetkin Last position: The professional athlete on boxingViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreChildren trained much to go to the Olympic Games. And even if they will go (in the neutral status), all the same all will know that it is the Russian athletes. But I already was at the Olympic Games. Would go only with our flagChildren trained much to go to the Olympic Games. And even if they will go (in the neutral status), all the same all will know that it is the Russian athletes. But I already was at the Olympic Games. Would go only with our flag12/9/2023R-sportsIn Ukraine Putin made everything correctly if he did not make it, in our territory war would be12/16/2023SmotrimEveryone has to go about the own business. Perhaps the good offer also will interest. But of it did not think, I will be while health to be engaged. Show is not mineEveryone has to go about the own business. Perhaps the good offer also will interest. But of it did not think, I will be while health to be engaged. Show is not mine12/9/2023R-sportsChildren trained much to go to the Olympic Games. And even if they will go (in the neutral status), all the same all will know that it is the Russian athletes. But I already was at the Olympic Games. Would go only with our flagChildren trained much to go to the Olympic Games. And even if they will go (in the neutral status), all the same all will know that it is the Russian athletes. But I already was at the Olympic Games. Would go only with our flag12/9/2023R-sportsIn Ukraine Putin made everything correctly if he did not make it, in our territory war would be12/16/2023SmotrimEveryone has to go about the own business. Perhaps the good offer also will interest. But of it did not think, I will be while health to be engaged. Show is not mineEveryone has to go about the own business. Perhaps the good offer also will interest. But of it did not think, I will be while health to be engaged. Show is not mine12/9/2023R-sportsChildren trained much to go to the Olympic Games. And even if they will go (in the neutral status), all the same all will know that it is the Russian athletes. But I already was at the Olympic Games. Would go only with our flagChildren trained much to go to the Olympic Games. And even if they will go (in the neutral status), all the same all will know that it is the Russian athletes. But I already was at the Olympic Games. Would go only with our flag12/9/2023R-sports123158Related events+117 last week0Media Score45years oldBornSeptember 2, 1979KurskMarried toEugenia Povetkin205Connections+106 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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Trending LawsMost discussed today18About bases of protection of public health in the Russian FederationRating: 30Mention frequency30ConnectionsOrganizations29Places25People10Events7Laws5Technologies3
LawПоветкин назвал сказками обвинения его в употреблении допинга11/2/2024PeopleMedia32 secBoxingБоксера Александра Поветкина временно отстранили по подозрению в нарушении антидопинговых правил11/2/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia27 secBoxingКонстантин Цзю не верит, что Поветкин принимал допингSports day after day11/1/2024People36 secBoxingЭкс-чемпион мира по боксу Поветкин не собирается возобновлять карьеруOreanda11/1/2024PeopleGeographyMedia18 secBoxingАлександр Поветкин попался на допингеRosbalt11/1/2024PeopleGeography30 secLawБоксёр Поветкин допускает политический подтекст обвинения в применении допинга11/1/2024PeopleMedia25 sec