Andrey Kuraev Last position: Protodeacon (The Russian Orthodox Church)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowOnly in the late nineties there was an opportunity to visit Prague at one "russkomirsky" conferenceOnly in the late nineties there was an opportunity to visit Prague at one "russkomirsky" conference11/7/2023periodical e-edition ""At the beginning of a year? Means, my Schengen will not manage to come to an end, and to me will give a reason for fleeing registration? Thanks, your Holiness! 11/29/2023To Kommersantj.RAs note informed circles, with the corresponding request the top management of the Moscow patriarchy addressed to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation led by the head of Russian Orthodox Church. Department conducts careful check, the decision is expected at the beginning of the next yearAs note informed circles, with the corresponding request the top management of the Moscow patriarchy addressed to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation led by the head of Russian Orthodox Church. Department conducts careful check, the decision is expected at the beginning of the next year11/28/2023periodical e-edition ""Only in the late nineties there was an opportunity to visit Prague at one "russkomirsky" conferenceOnly in the late nineties there was an opportunity to visit Prague at one "russkomirsky" conference11/7/2023periodical e-edition ""At the beginning of a year? Means, my Schengen will not manage to come to an end, and to me will give a reason for fleeing registration? Thanks, your Holiness! 11/29/2023To Kommersantj.RAs note informed circles, with the corresponding request the top management of the Moscow patriarchy addressed to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation led by the head of Russian Orthodox Church. Department conducts careful check, the decision is expected at the beginning of the next yearAs note informed circles, with the corresponding request the top management of the Moscow patriarchy addressed to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation led by the head of Russian Orthodox Church. Department conducts careful check, the decision is expected at the beginning of the next year11/28/2023periodical e-edition ""Only in the late nineties there was an opportunity to visit Prague at one "russkomirsky" conferenceOnly in the late nineties there was an opportunity to visit Prague at one "russkomirsky" conference11/7/2023periodical e-edition ""1230Related events+0 last weekMedia Score: Low61years oldBornFebruary 15, 1963MoscowRelationship status: He is singleConnectionsno dataNewsConnections Tree
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LawСуд Москвы оштрафовал Кураева за нарушение правил деятельности иноагентаBFM.RU6/26/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia38 secLawСуд оштрафовал бывшего протодиакона Кураева на 30 тыс рублейdaily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"6/25/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts57 secLawБогослов Кураев назвал неуместным открытие на него дела за нарушение правил для иноагентовGazeta.Ru5/28/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.7 minAccidentsВ Москве завели дело на экс-дьякона Кураева за нарушение закона об иноагентахGazeta.Ru5/28/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia41 secPoliticsОтделена ли церковь от государства в Эстонии? - министр и депутаты ополчились на Эстонскую православную церковь5/11/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography5.8 minReligionПодлость от Фанара: Лишённый сана Кураев* стал "законной целью денацификации"Tsargrad TV channel4/16/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia2.8 min
Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today131Nissan GT-RRating: 5Mention frequency5ConnectionsPlaces6Events4Technologies2Organizations1
ReligionАндрей Кураев заявил о восстановлении в сане патриархом Константинопольскимperiodical e-edition ""4/16/2024PeopleCompaniesProducts39 secSocial policyКонстантинопольский патриархат восстановил диакона Андрея Кураева в санеGazeta.Ru4/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia47 secSocial policyКолдовство, запреты и стыд: как к менструации относились до революции и в СССРForbes4/10/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts9.8 minLawВ Русской православной церкви вновь намечается череда судовnewspaper "Argumenty nedeli"2/15/2024PeopleCompanies44 secReligionПатриарх Кирилл лишил сана критиковавшего СВО архимандритаperiodical e-edition ""1/18/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia41 secReligionГлава РПЦ лишил священного сана Кирилла ГоворунаREGNUM1/18/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia57 sec