Julia Yefimova Last position: The professional athlete on swimmingViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowI very quickly missed. I all the same swam two-three times a week. Happened that passed month - one and a half, but I did yoga, was engaged in boxing, dances. At the beginning yes, there were moments when very long did not float, did not wantI very quickly missed. I all the same swam two-three times a week. Happened that passed month - one and a half, but I did yoga, was engaged in boxing, dances. At the beginning yes, there were moments when very long did not float, did not want11/25/2023R-sportsIt was heavy, many ask, everyone wants to learn my opinion and to state the. There was a wish to return to relax, me it is simpler in this plan. But thus and in the USA there are adequate and understanding people12/1/2023SmotrimWe want to open school in Krasnodar Krai. Most likely, it will be Krasnodar because in Sochi there is no pool normal, but I will speak that constructed. I think, it will be Efimova team. Private schoolWe want to open school in Krasnodar Krai. Most likely, it will be Krasnodar because in Sochi there is no pool normal, but I will speak that constructed. I think, it will be Efimova team. Private school11/25/2023R-sportsI very quickly missed. I all the same swam two-three times a week. Happened that passed month - one and a half, but I did yoga, was engaged in boxing, dances. At the beginning yes, there were moments when very long did not float, did not wantI very quickly missed. I all the same swam two-three times a week. Happened that passed month - one and a half, but I did yoga, was engaged in boxing, dances. At the beginning yes, there were moments when very long did not float, did not want11/25/2023R-sportsIt was heavy, many ask, everyone wants to learn my opinion and to state the. There was a wish to return to relax, me it is simpler in this plan. But thus and in the USA there are adequate and understanding people12/1/2023SmotrimWe want to open school in Krasnodar Krai. Most likely, it will be Krasnodar because in Sochi there is no pool normal, but I will speak that constructed. I think, it will be Efimova team. Private schoolWe want to open school in Krasnodar Krai. Most likely, it will be Krasnodar because in Sochi there is no pool normal, but I will speak that constructed. I think, it will be Efimova team. Private school11/25/2023R-sportsI very quickly missed. I all the same swam two-three times a week. Happened that passed month - one and a half, but I did yoga, was engaged in boxing, dances. At the beginning yes, there were moments when very long did not float, did not wantI very quickly missed. I all the same swam two-three times a week. Happened that passed month - one and a half, but I did yoga, was engaged in boxing, dances. At the beginning yes, there were moments when very long did not float, did not want11/25/2023R-sports12335Related events+6 last weekMedia Score: Low32years oldBornApril 3, 1992GroznyRelationship status: She is not married86Connections+30 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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