Mikhail Mamonov Last position: Head Praktiki of the political analysis and consultation of Department of researches (JSC VCIOM)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowPresidential election – start for all industry of polls. The majority of Russians (70 %) are sure that Vladimir Putin should stand for new term. This inquiry grew more than twice in recent yearsPresidential election – start for all industry of polls. The majority of Russians (70 %) are sure that Vladimir Putin should stand for new term. This inquiry grew more than twice in recent years12/7/2023FederalpressThey understand that elections will take place soon. I would estimate this indicator as rather high taking into account that election campaign only begins, the majority are already included in process of elections12/7/2023RIA Novosti news agencyThis indicator confirms the importance of the upcoming elections for Russians. Among basic motives of participation in elections at people — patriotic (91 %) and the motive of the future connected with a family (68 %) This indicator confirms the importance of the upcoming elections for Russians. Among basic motives of participation in elections at people — patriotic (91 %) and the motive of the future connected with a family (68 %) 12/7/2023FederalpressPresidential election – start for all industry of polls. The majority of Russians (70 %) are sure that Vladimir Putin should stand for new term. This inquiry grew more than twice in recent yearsPresidential election – start for all industry of polls. The majority of Russians (70 %) are sure that Vladimir Putin should stand for new term. This inquiry grew more than twice in recent years12/7/2023FederalpressThey understand that elections will take place soon. I would estimate this indicator as rather high taking into account that election campaign only begins, the majority are already included in process of elections12/7/2023RIA Novosti news agencyThis indicator confirms the importance of the upcoming elections for Russians. Among basic motives of participation in elections at people — patriotic (91 %) and the motive of the future connected with a family (68 %) This indicator confirms the importance of the upcoming elections for Russians. Among basic motives of participation in elections at people — patriotic (91 %) and the motive of the future connected with a family (68 %) 12/7/2023FederalpressPresidential election – start for all industry of polls. The majority of Russians (70 %) are sure that Vladimir Putin should stand for new term. This inquiry grew more than twice in recent yearsPresidential election – start for all industry of polls. The majority of Russians (70 %) are sure that Vladimir Putin should stand for new term. This inquiry grew more than twice in recent years12/7/2023Federalpress1238Related events+4 last weekHead Praktiki of the political analysis and consultation of Department of researchesJSC VCIOMMedia Score: LowHead Praktiki of the political analysis and consultation of Department of researchesJSC VCIOMBornno dataRelationship status: no data47Connections+17 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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PoliticsОпрос ВЦИОМ показал отношение россиян к БРИКСRIA Novosti news agency10/24/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia56 secPoliticsВЦИОМ: более 80% россиян знают о БРИКСTASS10/24/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.5 minPoliticsВ Петербурге стартовали выборы трех уровнейRBC St. Petersburg9/6/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts1.4 minPoliticsЧлен ОП РФ проверит организацию досрочного голосования в Курской областиREGNUM8/30/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia2.4 minNorthwestern Federal DistrictПобеду Александра Беглова на выборах губернатора ожидают 76 процентов петербуржцевPetersburg diary8/30/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia23 secNorthwestern Federal DistrictВЦИОМ провел опрос об ожиданиях россиян на предстоящих выборах глав регионовTOPSPB.TV8/30/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts48 sec