+1BusinessmanOfficialYuliana Slashcheva Last position: (LLC "CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION FIRM")Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShare0Media ScoreNow "Soyuzmulfilm" and all Russian animation branch feel considerable interest from producers to domestic to brands, we receive a set of offers from potential litsenziant in different commodity categoriesNow "Soyuzmulfilm" and all Russian animation branch feel considerable interest from producers to domestic to brands, we receive a set of offers from potential litsenziant in different commodity categories12/11/2023"Мой бизнес" Республика Саха-ЯкутияNow "Soyuzmulfilm" and all Russian animation branch feel considerable interest from producers to domestic to brands, we receive a set of offers from potential litsenziant in different commodity categories12/13/2023БизнесБашкирияSuch incentive, maybe, in particular, are subsidizing at acquisition of licenses for popular domestic brands. It is also necessary to optimize measures for fight against counterfeit productionSuch incentive, maybe, in particular, are subsidizing at acquisition of licenses for popular domestic brands. It is also necessary to optimize measures for fight against counterfeit production12/13/2023БизнесБашкирияNow "Soyuzmulfilm" and all Russian animation branch feel considerable interest from producers to domestic to brands, we receive a set of offers from potential litsenziant in different commodity categoriesNow "Soyuzmulfilm" and all Russian animation branch feel considerable interest from producers to domestic to brands, we receive a set of offers from potential litsenziant in different commodity categories12/11/2023"Мой бизнес" Республика Саха-ЯкутияNow "Soyuzmulfilm" and all Russian animation branch feel considerable interest from producers to domestic to brands, we receive a set of offers from potential litsenziant in different commodity categories12/13/2023БизнесБашкирияSuch incentive, maybe, in particular, are subsidizing at acquisition of licenses for popular domestic brands. It is also necessary to optimize measures for fight against counterfeit productionSuch incentive, maybe, in particular, are subsidizing at acquisition of licenses for popular domestic brands. It is also necessary to optimize measures for fight against counterfeit production12/13/2023БизнесБашкирияNow "Soyuzmulfilm" and all Russian animation branch feel considerable interest from producers to domestic to brands, we receive a set of offers from potential litsenziant in different commodity categoriesNow "Soyuzmulfilm" and all Russian animation branch feel considerable interest from producers to domestic to brands, we receive a set of offers from potential litsenziant in different commodity categories12/11/2023"Мой бизнес" Республика Саха-Якутия12339Related events+3 last weekLLC "CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION FIRM"0Media ScoreLLC "CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION FIRM"50years oldBornSeptember 9, 1974MoscowRelationship status: She is married143Connections+27 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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