Vladimir Aleksandrovich Leonov Last position: Minister (MINISTRY SPORTA OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN)Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRelated events0+0 last weekWatchExportPerson's profile exportAnalyticsPerson's popularity and news analyticsNewsAll updates related to this person inLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnections TreeVarious connection types built via mentions in articlesLast 24h3 days7 days30 daysConnection typesPersonsCompaniesPolitical partiesGovernment AgenciesGeographical objectsOrganizationsEventsLawsProductsTechnologiesShareMedia Score: LowToday "Rubin" is restored. Perhaps, it is not so bright as it would be desirable, without any splashes, but there were a stability, game, style at teamToday "Rubin" is restored. Perhaps, it is not so bright as it would be desirable, without any splashes, but there were a stability, game, style at team12/14/2023RT in RussianNow statements went that us allow before the Olympic Games, but it is necessary to understand it still. It is a lot of comments and discussions about it, I do not want while to express it. Statements are made, so there is light at the end of a tunnel12/14/2023Online businessBut after all we want to make standard tournament. There are at us some ideas about which we will tell later that there arrived leading athletes in these or those sportsBut after all we want to make standard tournament. There are at us some ideas about which we will tell later that there arrived leading athletes in these or those sports12/14/2023RT in RussianToday "Rubin" is restored. Perhaps, it is not so bright as it would be desirable, without any splashes, but there were a stability, game, style at teamToday "Rubin" is restored. Perhaps, it is not so bright as it would be desirable, without any splashes, but there were a stability, game, style at team12/14/2023RT in RussianNow statements went that us allow before the Olympic Games, but it is necessary to understand it still. It is a lot of comments and discussions about it, I do not want while to express it. Statements are made, so there is light at the end of a tunnel12/14/2023Online businessBut after all we want to make standard tournament. There are at us some ideas about which we will tell later that there arrived leading athletes in these or those sportsBut after all we want to make standard tournament. There are at us some ideas about which we will tell later that there arrived leading athletes in these or those sports12/14/2023RT in RussianToday "Rubin" is restored. Perhaps, it is not so bright as it would be desirable, without any splashes, but there were a stability, game, style at teamToday "Rubin" is restored. Perhaps, it is not so bright as it would be desirable, without any splashes, but there were a stability, game, style at team12/14/2023RT in Russian12329Related events+16 last weekMinisterMINISTRY SPORTA OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTANMedia Score: LowMinisterMINISTRY SPORTA OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN47years oldBornAugust 25, 1977KazanRelationship status: He is married74Connections+14 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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