Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI entirely support this rating, we are ready to consider it and at accreditation by any additional criteria. This very important issue, and is very good that participate not only the Russian higher education institutions, but also internationalI entirely support this rating, we are ready to consider it and at accreditation by any additional criteria. This very important issue, and is very good that participate not only the Russian higher education institutions, but also international11/14/2018Agency of city news "Moscow"We entered technology when the graduate after examination can examine the work, see, for what he received this or that result, and, if necessary, to pass on the appeal. Every year less and less graduates go on the appeal5/20/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"I entirely support this rating, we are ready to consider it and at accreditation by any additional criteria. This very important issue, and is very good that participate not only the Russian higher education institutions, but also internationalI entirely support this rating, we are ready to consider it and at accreditation by any additional criteria. This very important issue, and is very good that participate not only the Russian higher education institutions, but also international11/14/2018Agency of city news "Moscow"We entered technology when the graduate after examination can examine the work, see, for what he received this or that result, and, if necessary, to pass on the appeal. Every year less and less graduates go on the appeal5/20/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"I entirely support this rating, we are ready to consider it and at accreditation by any additional criteria. This very important issue, and is very good that participate not only the Russian higher education institutions, but also internationalI entirely support this rating, we are ready to consider it and at accreditation by any additional criteria. This very important issue, and is very good that participate not only the Russian higher education institutions, but also international11/14/2018Agency of city news "Moscow"12688Company-related news+257 last weekHeadAnzor Muzaev0Media Score250Rank positionHeadAnzor Muzaev713Connections+232 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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