Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn 2018 we expect that the effect from the transaction will make even more. At the average prices of $70 the effect will make 2,5 trillion rub for the budget, at the prices of $75 and is can be and 3 trillion rub above.In 2018 we expect that the effect from the transaction will make even more. At the average prices of $70 the effect will make 2,5 trillion rub for the budget, at the prices of $75 and is can be and 3 trillion rub above.8/17/2018Vestie EkonomikaCouncil will deal with issues of realization of Power strategy of Russia, a wide range of questions on support of initiatives of the Ministry of Energy. The world and power together with it quickly change, and we have to use results of these changes in our advantage2/20/2021НИУ МЭИIn 2018 we expect that the effect from the transaction will make even more. At the average prices of $70 the effect will make 2,5 trillion rub for the budget, at the prices of $75 and is can be and 3 trillion rub above.In 2018 we expect that the effect from the transaction will make even more. At the average prices of $70 the effect will make 2,5 trillion rub for the budget, at the prices of $75 and is can be and 3 trillion rub above.8/17/2018Vestie EkonomikaCouncil will deal with issues of realization of Power strategy of Russia, a wide range of questions on support of initiatives of the Ministry of Energy. The world and power together with it quickly change, and we have to use results of these changes in our advantage2/20/2021НИУ МЭИIn 2018 we expect that the effect from the transaction will make even more. At the average prices of $70 the effect will make 2,5 trillion rub for the budget, at the prices of $75 and is can be and 3 trillion rub above.In 2018 we expect that the effect from the transaction will make even more. At the average prices of $70 the effect will make 2,5 trillion rub for the budget, at the prices of $75 and is can be and 3 trillion rub above.8/17/2018Vestie Ekonomika12639Company-related news+169 last weekSergey Tsivilev0Media Score250Rank positionSergey Tsivilev1,263Connections+559 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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