Moscow City Duma Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreElections in Moscow City Council highly competitive, in each district on the deputy mandate - from three to six applicants. It is important to acquaint voters with candidates that Muscovites could make the conscious decisionElections in Moscow City Council highly competitive, in each district on the deputy mandate - from three to six applicants. It is important to acquaint voters with candidates that Muscovites could make the conscious decision9/3/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"Eagles Stepan Vladimirovich heads United Russia fraction which continued the work in the Moscow City Council. Just its meeting] took plac9/19/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"Elections in Moscow City Council highly competitive, in each district on the deputy mandate - from three to six applicants. It is important to acquaint voters with candidates that Muscovites could make the conscious decisionElections in Moscow City Council highly competitive, in each district on the deputy mandate - from three to six applicants. It is important to acquaint voters with candidates that Muscovites could make the conscious decision9/3/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"Eagles Stepan Vladimirovich heads United Russia fraction which continued the work in the Moscow City Council. Just its meeting] took plac9/19/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"Elections in Moscow City Council highly competitive, in each district on the deputy mandate - from three to six applicants. It is important to acquaint voters with candidates that Muscovites could make the conscious decisionElections in Moscow City Council highly competitive, in each district on the deputy mandate - from three to six applicants. It is important to acquaint voters with candidates that Muscovites could make the conscious decision9/3/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"12374Company-related news+44 last weekChief of staffVsevolod Aleksandrovich Timofeev0Media ScoreChief of staffVsevolod Aleksandrovich Timofeev779Connections+234 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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