Election commission of Tsentralny of the Russian Federation Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreTwo candidates within by-election of campaign of deputies in the State Duma directed the observers on foreign sites abroad: one — to Moldova, and another — to Malta. These are the first political signs which put very good trendTwo candidates within by-election of campaign of deputies in the State Duma directed the observers on foreign sites abroad: one — to Moldova, and another — to Malta. These are the first political signs which put very good trend9/9/2018RIA Novosti news agencyI congratulate Sergey Sobyanin on a sure victory on elections of the Mayor of Moscow … With pleasure I congratulate Andrey Vorobyov on election to a position of the governor of the Moscow region9/10/2018RIA Novosti news agencyTwo candidates within by-election of campaign of deputies in the State Duma directed the observers on foreign sites abroad: one — to Moldova, and another — to Malta. These are the first political signs which put very good trendTwo candidates within by-election of campaign of deputies in the State Duma directed the observers on foreign sites abroad: one — to Moldova, and another — to Malta. These are the first political signs which put very good trend9/9/2018RIA Novosti news agencyI congratulate Sergey Sobyanin on a sure victory on elections of the Mayor of Moscow … With pleasure I congratulate Andrey Vorobyov on election to a position of the governor of the Moscow region9/10/2018RIA Novosti news agencyTwo candidates within by-election of campaign of deputies in the State Duma directed the observers on foreign sites abroad: one — to Moldova, and another — to Malta. These are the first political signs which put very good trendTwo candidates within by-election of campaign of deputies in the State Duma directed the observers on foreign sites abroad: one — to Moldova, and another — to Malta. These are the first political signs which put very good trend9/9/2018RIA Novosti news agency12292Company-related news+69 last weekChairmanElla Pamfilova0Media ScoreChairmanElla Pamfilova781Connections+526 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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