Department of Construction of the city of Moscow Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreSix new objects of the education, constructed by department of a city building of Moscow at the expense of means of the city budget, opened in Moscow. Nearly 2,5 thousand school students and 875 little pupils will be trained hereSix new objects of the education, constructed by department of a city building of Moscow at the expense of means of the city budget, opened in Moscow. Nearly 2,5 thousand school students and 875 little pupils will be trained here9/4/2018RIAMONow development of the project documentation necessary for performance of installation and construction works comes to the end10/8/2018Moscow truthSix new objects of the education, constructed by department of a city building of Moscow at the expense of means of the city budget, opened in Moscow. Nearly 2,5 thousand school students and 875 little pupils will be trained hereSix new objects of the education, constructed by department of a city building of Moscow at the expense of means of the city budget, opened in Moscow. Nearly 2,5 thousand school students and 875 little pupils will be trained here9/4/2018RIAMONow development of the project documentation necessary for performance of installation and construction works comes to the end10/8/2018Moscow truthSix new objects of the education, constructed by department of a city building of Moscow at the expense of means of the city budget, opened in Moscow. Nearly 2,5 thousand school students and 875 little pupils will be trained hereSix new objects of the education, constructed by department of a city building of Moscow at the expense of means of the city budget, opened in Moscow. Nearly 2,5 thousand school students and 875 little pupils will be trained here9/4/2018RIAMO1266Company-related news+10 last weekHeadRafik Zagrutdinov0Media ScoreHeadRafik Zagrutdinov77Connections+30 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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