Government of the Saratov region Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe position of the ministry has to be unambiguous as the president of Russia speaks: "To waste in the outhouse". The liberalism period ended, it is necessary to burn out a rigid hand all thisThe position of the ministry has to be unambiguous as the president of Russia speaks: "To waste in the outhouse". The liberalism period ended, it is necessary to burn out a rigid hand all this8/24/2018Look infoTo deal with deputies, I and itself will understand. Personally for you there is a coordination procedure. All the rest – not your problem10/24/2018Fourth estateThe position of the ministry has to be unambiguous as the president of Russia speaks: "To waste in the outhouse". The liberalism period ended, it is necessary to burn out a rigid hand all thisThe position of the ministry has to be unambiguous as the president of Russia speaks: "To waste in the outhouse". The liberalism period ended, it is necessary to burn out a rigid hand all this8/24/2018Look infoTo deal with deputies, I and itself will understand. Personally for you there is a coordination procedure. All the rest – not your problem10/24/2018Fourth estateThe position of the ministry has to be unambiguous as the president of Russia speaks: "To waste in the outhouse". The liberalism period ended, it is necessary to burn out a rigid hand all thisThe position of the ministry has to be unambiguous as the president of Russia speaks: "To waste in the outhouse". The liberalism period ended, it is necessary to burn out a rigid hand all this8/24/2018Look info12164Company-related news+30 last weekThe vice governor - the chairmanRoman Busargin0Media ScoreThe vice governor - the chairmanRoman Busargin261Connections+93 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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