Healthcare Department of the city of Moscow Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreFor the first three weeks since the vaccination beginning near metro stations and the Moscow central ring vaccination was done by more than 70 thousand people. It is 25% more, than last year for the first three weeks of campaignFor the first three weeks since the vaccination beginning near metro stations and the Moscow central ring vaccination was done by more than 70 thousand people. It is 25% more, than last year for the first three weeks of campaign9/25/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"It is gradually stabilized, but yet up to the end, time still is necessary. In spite of the fact that she runs, jumps, eats, medical problems still remain. There is an improvement, but problems still remain. Periodically we do medical bandagings, we treat9/25/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"For the first three weeks since the vaccination beginning near metro stations and the Moscow central ring vaccination was done by more than 70 thousand people. It is 25% more, than last year for the first three weeks of campaignFor the first three weeks since the vaccination beginning near metro stations and the Moscow central ring vaccination was done by more than 70 thousand people. It is 25% more, than last year for the first three weeks of campaign9/25/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"It is gradually stabilized, but yet up to the end, time still is necessary. In spite of the fact that she runs, jumps, eats, medical problems still remain. There is an improvement, but problems still remain. Periodically we do medical bandagings, we treat9/25/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"For the first three weeks since the vaccination beginning near metro stations and the Moscow central ring vaccination was done by more than 70 thousand people. It is 25% more, than last year for the first three weeks of campaignFor the first three weeks since the vaccination beginning near metro stations and the Moscow central ring vaccination was done by more than 70 thousand people. It is 25% more, than last year for the first three weeks of campaign9/25/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"12263Company-related news+29 last weekHeadAleksey Ivanovich Khripun0Media ScoreHeadAleksey Ivanovich Khripun549Connections+99 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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