Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreSwing, gymnastic bars, sports developing mini-complexes, and also new sandbox were made and established at playgroundsSwing, gymnastic bars, sports developing mini-complexes, and also new sandbox were made and established at playgrounds8/11/2017NTA-Volga regionProfessionalism and experience of teachers are pledge of successful pedagogical activity, profound knowledge of pupils who become demanded experts in different industries and a national economy10/5/2019NIA Nizhny NovgorodSwing, gymnastic bars, sports developing mini-complexes, and also new sandbox were made and established at playgroundsSwing, gymnastic bars, sports developing mini-complexes, and also new sandbox were made and established at playgrounds8/11/2017NTA-Volga regionProfessionalism and experience of teachers are pledge of successful pedagogical activity, profound knowledge of pupils who become demanded experts in different industries and a national economy10/5/2019NIA Nizhny NovgorodSwing, gymnastic bars, sports developing mini-complexes, and also new sandbox were made and established at playgroundsSwing, gymnastic bars, sports developing mini-complexes, and also new sandbox were made and established at playgrounds8/11/2017NTA-Volga region12221Company-related news+53 last weekMember of the committee on the budget and taxes, member of the committee on economy, industry, development of an entrepreneurship, trade and tourismEugenie Borisovich Lyulin0Media ScoreMember of the committee on the budget and taxes, member of the committee on economy, industry, development of an entrepreneurship, trade and tourismEugenie Borisovich Lyulin373Connections+137 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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