Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Services of the Russian Federation Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIf to speak about sports, in the Tyumen region sports life in the yards actively moves ahead. This program has to develop furtherIf to speak about sports, in the Tyumen region sports life in the yards actively moves ahead. This program has to develop further5/29/2018TASSWe will relieve the owner of an additional headache with tracking of these metering devices. There is a lot of them in the apartment: on water, hot and cold, here and there is a counter on gas, on heat. In it it is possible to get confused2/5/2019To Pravo.RIf to speak about sports, in the Tyumen region sports life in the yards actively moves ahead. This program has to develop furtherIf to speak about sports, in the Tyumen region sports life in the yards actively moves ahead. This program has to develop further5/29/2018TASSWe will relieve the owner of an additional headache with tracking of these metering devices. There is a lot of them in the apartment: on water, hot and cold, here and there is a counter on gas, on heat. In it it is possible to get confused2/5/2019To Pravo.RIf to speak about sports, in the Tyumen region sports life in the yards actively moves ahead. This program has to develop furtherIf to speak about sports, in the Tyumen region sports life in the yards actively moves ahead. This program has to develop further5/29/2018TASS121,083Company-related news+177 last weekMinisterIrek Fayzullin0Media Score250Rank positionMinisterIrek Fayzullin1,614Connections+541 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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