Government of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe journalistic community is a serious platform for dialogue between society and the power on which formation of positions and views of hot topics dependsThe journalistic community is a serious platform for dialogue between society and the power on which formation of positions and views of hot topics depends9/4/2018Messenger of the CaucasusThis year attraction of the credits from the credit organizations is planned for total amount of 1 billion 468 million rubles for the purpose of a covering of a budget deficit and repayment of debts of the republic9/18/2018TASSThe journalistic community is a serious platform for dialogue between society and the power on which formation of positions and views of hot topics dependsThe journalistic community is a serious platform for dialogue between society and the power on which formation of positions and views of hot topics depends9/4/2018Messenger of the CaucasusThis year attraction of the credits from the credit organizations is planned for total amount of 1 billion 468 million rubles for the purpose of a covering of a budget deficit and repayment of debts of the republic9/18/2018TASSThe journalistic community is a serious platform for dialogue between society and the power on which formation of positions and views of hot topics dependsThe journalistic community is a serious platform for dialogue between society and the power on which formation of positions and views of hot topics depends9/4/2018Messenger of the Caucasus1259Company-related news+9 last weekBoris Borisovich Dzhanaev0Media ScoreBoris Borisovich Dzhanaev160Connections+24 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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